(no subject)

Sep 05, 2008 11:39


SO. RECENTLY THERE WAS A WEDDING OF EPIC PROPORTIONS with babydragon priests and exploding cakes and itty-bitty father figures. For reference, it was over here in Rhode's dream post. So yes, it did take place in a dream and really isn't to be taken that seriously, but there's still -- things! Things like the way they're still going around saying "lol we're married" and the rings being present or the way Chizu-nee does adore Mika more than most people in camp, etc. And those are the things I'm going to talk about!

First off, the fact that they're both still saying they're married. This is partly because they haven't been able to get the rings off yet. The rings are from Rhode who -- see, I can't speak for her really -- but I thiiink it's something like she just thought it was great, so when she carried the rings over from her dreamworld she made sure they were too tight to be removed. OR SOMETHING. Point is they aren't coming off through conventional means. Saying they're married is just an easy answer to give when asked about the rings. The other half of the reason, for Chizu-nee at least, is because she gets a kick out of the reactions. IT'S HILARIOUS. In what other situation will you ever get to tell someone that you married a 6,000 year old gay angel midget? It's a rare opportunity! There's no way she's gonna pass that chance up. >D

Moving onto a more serious topic: Chizu-nee's affection for Mika. I'll be blunt, she does love him. She thinks Mika is wonderful! She's known him for more than a year and, despite a rocky start, has grown to be very fond of him. They share similar senses of humor and have some of the same friends, and Chizu-nee's had the time to listen to a lot of problems that Mika has and how he deals with him. In the beginning it was a sort of motherly feeling that . . . not changed, but expanded to include other sorts of affection as time went by. Major details are better suited to a separate essay, though. 8D ANYWAY point is she does care very deeply for him and in the very long run wouldn't really be bothered with the idea of being married to him. Except! A) Michael just broke up with Raph. B) Michael wanted a divorce pretty quick. And C) she still wants to play the field a little right now.

The first two points are pretty straight-forward. Using marriage as a rebound is a really dumb idea, and Chizu-nee would never, never allow it even if Michael hadn't been against the idea. She'd probably have slapped sense into him if he hadn't suggested divorce on his own. As it is, she's of the opinion that it doesn't and shouldn't count and is just some game of Rhode's that happens to be a ton of fun to play along with for the moment. Nothing more than that~

Then there's point C. On some levels she's actually pretty bothered by the idea of being married right now. There are still other people that she's interested in! She's still young and isn't done exploring her options in this field. And while she's fully aware of how much she adores Mika, she's also very aware that she has similar feelings for several other people. She doesn't want to be tied down in something like this right now. This is really the big reason she wants the rings off -- she doesn't like the false impression of unavailability they could give other people she's interested in. It's putting a crimp in her style! It may be hilarious to announce to anyone else, but it's annoying and troublesome to explain to those people. And it can still make things awkward even if she does explain what's happened. She doesn't like it at all. This fake marriage is really the closest she's ever come to an official relationship in camp, and the fact that it was not entirely within her control is just not sitting right with her when she stops to really think about it. She'll be happier if she can eventually get the ring off (or at least on a different finger).

So really, this is all a very long-winded way of saying that this marriage is strictly for the lulz as far as Chizu-nee's opinion goes. It's bad timing for Mika and too full of commitment for Chizu-nee's tastes. Sure there's great fun and antics, but at the end of the day she'd much prefer her normal, unmarried life.

lulz marriage, ooc, essay

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