The worst (and possibly also best) thing about this job is that, while I get paid a bunch of sweet cash for doing relatively little work, I have to, you know... show up. This is made harder by the fact that I get to pick my own hours. So even if I plan them out, it's not like I have to actually go in and work unless I feel like it. Which makes things hard. This morning, for example, was one of those "UGH don't want to get up" mornings... the ones where you eventually get up because you know you have to go to school, but not until you've hit the snooze button like fifty friggin' times. And then you alsways say "GOD why did this have to happen THIS morning? Why can't I only want to stay in bed when I have nothing to do?
Point being, I slept in even though I know that I SHOULD have gone to work. This probably shouldn't have taken me so long to say, but maybe I feel like explaining everything meticulously this morning...
Which is why instead of just asking you what I should be for halloween (1 more month!), I'm going to post an elaborate diagram, including details, pros, cons, and, you know... other stuff,
Informal poll! Zombie Librarian VS Zombie Frida Kahlo!
Some things to keep in mind:
1. It is cold here. If I go outside on halloween, it is likely to be snowing/have recently snowed. Therefore, the more clothing I can wear and still look like something, the awesomer I am. HOWEVER, I also don't want to be inordinately warm if I party it up indoors.
2. I WILL have to walk. While I own the
Librarian Shoes (which kinda look like the link, but aren't as nice and suede), they are a pain to walk in... With the Frida Kahlo costume, I can wear my kickarse boots, which are comfy, warm, and awesome.
3. People should probably be able to identify me. I don't really want to have to explain my costume a bunch.
4. People should think my costume's amazing.
Choose wisely (please tell me what you think!)
Have a fun day!