this was fun.

Jan 22, 2007 17:07

January 22, 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this official complaint letter, as instructed by staff at Woodward North Apartments.

For the entirety of our stay here, my roommate and I have endured obtrusive noise coming from our upstairs neighbors apartment. The noise ranges from very loud R&B music, to yelling, screaming, stomping, and drum playing. I have spoken with the woman on several occasions, asking her to keep the noise down. This has not solved the problem.

At one point she told me “I pay rent, same as you, I’m not gonna tell my kids they can’t play. If they want to play at three in the morning, I’m not tellin’ them they can’t play.” As soon as this conversation ended I called the office. I was told that a letter would be sent to my neighbor, and that in the future, I should call the police if the noise was occurring after business hours. I was hesitant to do this, as I’d prefer to handle this situation amicably, and I told her this.

Some time later, I called the office while the noise was occurring, and was told that I needed to submit a letter before anything could be done. Since then, I’ve written down the offensive noise from time to time, and I’ve even had to call the police on at least four occasions.

I would like to note, that I have lived in several apartments before, and I am well aware of normal noise levels. I feel that my neighbor upstairs regularly exceeds these noise levels.

After Christmas, there was a constant banging noise coming from upstairs. When I approached my neighbor about this noise she told me that her son received a drum for Christmas. I am of the opinion that anyone who lives in an apartment building (and has had noise complaints already) should not allow his or her child to play a drum in the apartment. This is only one of several times I’ve spoken with my neighbor and she’s made it clear that she has no respect for my roommate or myself.

Tuesday January 16th, at approximately 11:45pm I’d had enough of listening to yelling and pounding of feet on my ceiling, as I had to get up for work at 4:30am. I knocked on my neighbor’s door, and she did not answer. I knocked again. Still, there was no answer. I called the police, and after they came, there was quiet, and I was able to sleep.

Sunday January 21st I was home all day, listening to pounding and yelling and screaming, on and off, until finally I called the police again. My neighbor has made it clear that she no longer wishes to speak with me, so I feel it is my only option to continue involving the police. While the noise did quiet down a bit after the police came, it started up again around 8pm, while my boyfriend and I were celebrating our anniversary and trying to have a nice meal. At this point I simply decided that I would turn my music up to a volume that would drown out the yelling above us. I do not feel that I played my music terribly loud, though I do not argue that my neighbor could hear the music. In the middle of my dinner, I heard a knock at my door, and upon opening it I was greeted by two Royal Oak police officers. They had received a noise complaint from my upstairs neighbors regarding my music and asked that it be turned down. Of course I agreed to turn down the music.

I feel that my neighbor is retaliating against me, unfairly I might add. I spoke with her several times before ever taking any kind of action against her, and she continues to disregard my requests that she try to keep the stomping down, and teach her children not to yell at all hours of the day and night.

I am including a list of some of the noises my roommate and I have logged.

12/30/06 10am -loud music
11am -pounding and loud music
3pm - pounding and loud music
1/1/07 9:15pm -loud TV, yelling, dropping something heavy on the floor repeatedly
1/7/07 9pm -ball dribbling
1/9/07 5:30am -loud pounding, waking me up
1/11/07 9:30pm -pounding, yelling, loud music
1/12/07 9:30am -pounding, loud TV
1/12/07 7:30-8pm -pounding

I would appreciate if some type of action would be taken. I invite management of Woodward North Apartments, or the Royal Oak Police Department into my apartment, so that they may witness the noise levels. I understand that it is hard to do much about these situations unless the noise is observed. However, after about five months of having virtually no peace and quiet in my home, I cannot take it much longer.

Please contact me with any questions or comments.

Thank you,

Amanda Petoskey
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