Dec 23, 2013 17:47
I downloaded this puzzle-adventure-platformer for the Xbox during Black Friday. It was also available on Steam, but the game is advertised as couch co-op so I thought I'd play it with Dave. There are 7 characters to choose from, and three can be used per playthrough. The objective - reach the bottom of the cave and obtain the characters' objects of desire. Each character has a different ability that is needed to progress through certain parts of the cave, so in order to see all of the levels, the game requires a minimum of three playthroughs.
The puzzles are well done and fair, none of them involve Crazy Moon Troll Logic. I'm pleased that I managed to solve some of them before Dave did, and for once Dave was good about not blurting out answers! Some levels have better puzzles than others - my favorites were the twins' and the time traveler's. The hardest puzzle for me was one of the monk's - it involved slow movements and patience, which I wasn't in the mood for!
The co-op definitely could have been better. Depending on the level, there would be nothing for the other player(s) to do. This is a game that up to three people could theoretically play, but they can't contribute much other than shout suggestions to the one actually playing. This is because most of the character specific levels are closed off to everyone but that character. Eventually that character can flip a lever or something and let the other two in, but by then the level is nearly completed.
The story is DARK. Unexpectedly dark. Multiple times I felt awful, as in Shadow of the Colossus awful. When the only way to win is not to play. Yet I did, with all 7. There are two endings per character. Eventually I'll go back and replay for all of the endings.
Recommended! I could use more puzzle/adventure games in my life.