Oct 21, 2005 17:23
Hey dudes and dudesses
I have been out of the LJ circuit for a while now but seeing as im bored as fuck and freezeing my fecking arse off I feel i should introduce a ray of light into your otherwise shitty dark lives (no offence meant)
I dont know what has happened since I lst updated nd oh yeah converse shoes r still the shittest.
LAst tuesday I was at Supergrass concert!!!!! it ruled! It was a fecking aweseom venue at ABC but i dnt know if any of you dudes hav been there.
Set list included NEw album stuff as well as old stuff but there was no rendiditon of Lenny nd that had been there opener when i saw them supporting coldplay but anyways it was still beast.
I was trying to write lyrics the other day and as with all my other previous attempts the end result is always melodramtic rambling pish ( as roddy so poetically put it). But I agree with him, I find it genuinely hard to be able to write about what I'm actually feeling instead of what I think I should be feeling to write lyrics. Im sure im not then only one that falls victim to this obstacle.
Anyway what made me think of that was the fact that today i had a band practice. Twas allright but playing the same songs cn get tedious, when i think we should be starting to do our own thing
Anywayz speak l8ers
was-great escape