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Jan 13, 2010 22:34

well, another year of cosplay gone by. I pulled off more than I thought I would this year costume wise, did a bit less than I wanted to do Skit and Production wise. Traveled a bit more than I expected too, but I'm not complaining about that! Getting photoshoots started again really brought back a big part of the community I have been missing.

Anyways, if ya wanna see some pics, click here!

Cid from KH. reworking it all from the ground up really paid off. Wish I could have worn it more...

Roronoa Zoro - This is the first costume I did not plan on doing in 09 but did anyway. This was mainly because I just started watching One Piece for the first time in early February. I Like the way the costume came out, but I do not make the best Zoro in the world

Auron from FFX. Really my big project this year. Im happy with every inch of the costume. I got to wear it a TON, and I got a lot more to do too!

Shadow Beast - Came out like I expected, wish I got to wear this a bit more too... Will make up for it at mega...

Yangus - I loved wearing this... a few bugs need to be worked out before I wear it again. I NEED to get some better shots than the ones I got at AFO - the location KILLED the good work that Morataya did, and the heat didnt help either.

Elma... 3rd not planned costume. first mascot style costume. Really liked how it came out and it really opened doors to a whole new set of things i have not tried yet

Pac Man - Another not planed costume. this was a last minute Halloween project that I will be wearing more...

Buggy the Clown... the 4th not planed costume. Its a blast to wear!

2010 is going to rule. post to come about that very sooon.
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