i just started reading a book about the geo-strategic agenda that the united states just might employ.... 'the grand chessboard'. Written by zbigniew brzezinski it details the imperatives of eurasian domination (within the bounds of democracy..hah!) and the steps that need to be taken to control key checkpoints in the middle east/asia. best of all its not written by your favorite liberal college professor..... quite the opposite. its pretty easy to neglect the others viewpoint, especially when it begins to enter upon the grounds of morality, but based on those (very shaky) arguments being presented to us for war a red flag should go up. will this book provide some answers from their side....?
some background on the guy (courtesy of
Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies; and Professor of American Foreign Policy at the School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, D.C.
From 1977 to 1981, National Security Advisor to the President of the United States. In 1981 awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his role in the normalization of U.S.-Chinese relations and for his contribution to the human rights and national security policies of the United States.
Other Current Activities
Public and Pro-Bono: Member of the Board of Directors of the National Endowment for Democracy ( a Congressionally-funded institution for the advancement of democracy); Honorary Chairman of the AmeriCares Foundation ( a private philanthropic humanitarian aid organization); Member of the Board of Trustees of Freedom House ( a non-profit institution dedicated to the promotion of freedom); Trustee of the Trilateral Commission (a cooperative American - European - Japanese forum); Member of the Board of Directors of the Polish-American Enterprise Fund; Chairman of the American-Ukrainian Advisory Committee; etc.
Private sector: International advisor of several major US/Global corporations; frequent participant in annual business/trade conventions; President of Z.B., Inc. (an advisory firm on international issues to corporations and financial institutions). Also a frequent public speaker, commentator on major domestic and foreign TV programs, and contributor to domestic and foreign newspapers and journals.
Past Activities
U.S. Government: 1966-1968 Member of the Policy Planning Council for the Department of State; 1985, Member of the President's Chemical Warfare Commission; 1987-1988 Member of the NSC - Defense Department Commission on Integrated Long-Term Strategy; 1987-1989, Member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (a Presidential commission to oversee U.S. intelligence activities).
Public and Political: 1973-1976, Director of the Trilateral Commission; in the 1968 presidential campaign, chairman of the Humphrey Foreign Policy Task Force; in the 1976 presidential campaign, principal foreign policy advisor to Jimmy Carter. In 1988, co-chairman of the Bush National Security Advisory Task Force. Past Member of the Boards of Directors of Amnesty International, ... of the Council on Foreign Relations ... of the Atlantic Council ,etc.
Academic: On the faculty of Columbia University from 1960 to 1989; from 1953 to 1960 on the faculty of Howard University. Ph.D., Harvard University 1953; B.A. and M.A., McGill University, 1949 & 1950