Jun 16, 2003 11:26
Have you ever had one of those times when you specifically pointed out something that you DON'T want to have done, and then someone goes right ahead and does it?? Oh my God, its not that hard not to do it! Yes, someone went in their live journal and went off on a vent about my previous rant. Thanks a lot, TAMMY...
And you know what? I've been pulled too far. And I'm speaking for anyone who else is having the same problem as I am right now, and I know there are others out there. And to answer the question as to why I don't do this on AIM, its simple. I don't have time to go on drawn-out hour long AIM conversations, because yes, I have a life and have things I need to do today. So I'm getting this all out right now. And it's may get cruel, so brace yourself. Yes, this is for YOU, TAMMY.
You wonder why I don't come and talk to you about it? Well, its the glaring fact that I've had problems with you before, and have attempted to 'talk' to you about it to resolve those problems. But guess what? Ever notice how they just come back up again? Seems like no matter how often I come to you to resolve something, it always rears its ugly ahead again later. You just DON'T GET THE POINT, because I've had so many problems with you in the past.
And you commented about how you don't like it when people who have a problem with you round up others to take their side? Well I'm telling you this right now, I don't want to hear of you trying to drag people like Megs and Mands into this, because I don't have a problem with them at all, and they don't deserve to be caught in the middle of this. So don't try your guilt tripping on them.
As for roleplaying goes? You think I want everything to go my way? That is fucking bullshit, because alost everytime, its Danger ranting about 'Daddy doesnt love me' or 'Should I go back to villainy?' or 'I was in the hospital today and got hurt'. You see the pattern here? While you're probably just taking your, oh I'm sorry, I mean 'your muses feelings', into consideration, I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind. But why do I stay on and roleplay? No one is making me, right? I do it to keep YOU happy, bcause I know if I suddenly leave, you'll go off in your LJ with something along the lines of "Uncle Drake doesnt love me" like you do with AJ.
But to be perfectly blunt, I'm deleting most of my AIM lists, because I'm fucking tired of having to put up with this over and over again. Its just gone on for FAR too long. And for everyone else, don't worry, if I want to talk to you, which i will, I'll add you to my new list. But Tammy, you just don't know when to quit until it suddenly gets pushed too far, and one of your 'friends' does what I'm doing. Is this harsh? Yes, probably. But I've been putting up with too much for far too long, and its time to do something for ME for once. Goodbye.