make it stop

Sep 26, 2004 20:27

make it stop snowing! the snow yesterday caused a major power-outtage throughout the municipality of anchorage yesterday. the lights went out around 3:00 and didn't come back on until really really late last night. i feel sorry for my dad. he's lead supervisor for matanuska lighting and power so he worked a 24 hours shift yesterday because of the power loss.

i didn't go tot he party last night for a few reasons. one being that i couldn't get my car out of the garage because of the power being out. the parties out at derek, stephen, and erik's place can also get pretty wild (alcohol and drugs), which isn't really my scene. the last thing i need to do right now is jeaopordize my goal of getting into law enforcement by risking getting in trouble for a group of underaged partiers. and it's a good thing i didn't go because the police DID end up out there to respond to a noise complaint. a lot of the people who went to the party got busted.

so since the power was out, i spent most of the day doing homework at home...a god six or seven hours, got a shitload done. by tis morning, a lot of the snow was metlted and it was just raining. toay was a pretty good day for me. i went to the gym, barbecued some steaks for dinner with my dad, went to jitters to do more honmework, went to chuch, came home. and its snowing again!!! someone make it stop! hopefully the power won't go out again but all the snow on the trees that still have leaves on them weighs down the tree branches into the powerlines. i don't mind if the pwoer goes out tomorrow while i'm at work though...;)
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