Huzzah! I finished the illos for "A Refugee in Oz." I started work on those just before Christmas, and intended to do just a dozen to hit the highlights. Over 30 pictures later, I finally have a quorum. Each chapter has at least one illo, and some have up to four. In the process I've broken through several years' worth of artist's block and gotten a lot more comfortable with inking using Sakura brush pens.
Still to do: do one more run-thorugh on the text, write the acknowledgments and copyright page and back cover and other little finishing tasks, and (hopefully) get the cover or (unhopefully) do the cover myself. Then on to the person who will lay it all out and nitpick me if needed, and when we get it juuust right, on to the publisher.
If you'd like to see some of the illos, as well as a few outtakes, they're in
my DeviantArt gallery.