Last night was like Oldschool Night at RHPS. Some old cast members from the LipSync days performed, and another old LipSyncer was in the audience. We had a pitifully tiny audience, but the show was a hell of a lot of fun anyway. The highlight, which I will remember for years to come, was Rod doing Rocky's floorshow in his Boy Scout uniform (which he can fit int again - go Rod!) and his trademark roaring during the King Kong scene.
Unfortunately, I started getting weak after the show, to the point that I think my brain kind of shut off while waiting for people to leave the theater, and in the gaming area I started getting dizzy and had to lie down on the ground with my legs up on a bench to keep from going faint. I think it was just a blood pressure drop brought on by dehydration and just plain tiredness. Nothing to get upset about because I know what to do when those hit me, but, sheesh, are they embarrassing.
I made pound cake today. I also made an absolutely epic mess in my kitchen. Any time I try out a new recipe that involves flour there is a 50% chance of that happening. But if this turns out anywhere near as well as the cake my sister made which prompted me to break her clavicle if she didn't give me the recipe, it will be worth it.
On Friday I went for an interview to work with a gummint agency. Not a new job; rather, my company is having me work at a contact location and the client wanted to talk to me face to face before I started. Now that I know about the stuff I'll be handling I can see why they wanted the background check. Hey, I'll also be doing paralegal stuff! (Kerrie, you reading this?) I'll be within walking distance of a train station, which means a significantly shorter commute on the days I'll be there, which means a much happier me.
I've got a very wrong fanfic idea in my head. Only something like
dosomethinscary could give me an excuse to actually write it out. Or a like community, since that one seems to be dead. Anyone know of a like community?
I took the cake out and tried a bit. It was indeed worth the epic mess.