'Tis A Terrible Life, Indeed xD

Mar 27, 2009 23:48

Wow, I'm... a bit speechless after watching "It's a Terrible Life" (uh... not really xD)

Although it's a bit too much like "What Is And What Should Never Be", it is so damn entertaining to watch! All I can say is that, if Dean Winchester himself had went back and watched that episode, he'll surely go and kill himself right after!

Before anything, nice touch on that Smith & Wesson thing. Firearms manufacturer? Looks like the angels do have a sense of humor, eh?

What the frack? Dean in a suit? WITH SUSPENDERS? Wakes up at 6AM with an alarm clock/iPod dock??? Prepares non-fat latte (I bet you it's non-fat) in a tumbler????? DRIVES A FREAKIN PRIUS???? Prefers listening to radio news than HARD ROCK MUSIC??????????? Dons a SIDE-PARTED HAIR????????????????????????

The list goes on dude...



You're kidding right? What is this shiz????



AND GETTING TIPS ON HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT?????????????????????????

What did I say again about how Dean would totally kill himself if he watches this episode? Wouldn't he totally???

And then, he gets on an elevator with a stranger who is Sammy......... in a gym instructor's getup. WTF? And they don't know each other!

Seriously, the whole segment leading up to the title credits made me go huh? Why? How? When? What? Wha? And then...


"Have you tried turning it off and on again?" God, isn't that the most typical tech support line ever? Suddenly reminds me of that little British comedy The IT Crowd. I gotta start watching that again.

This episode is brilliant though! I'm not sure how the fandom feels about it, and I told kirusai it was so-so because I didn't wanna ruin her expectations! But I absolutely loved it! (Not as much as I did the previous episode though) One brilliant thing about this episode is that they managed to made this a hybrid episode, which is a filler episode, but it totally serves the arc a bigger purpose, and that is to FIX THE CHOSEN ONE SO HE CAN HELP HEAVEN SMITE EVIL. AMEN!

I kinda already knew it has something to do with angels coz peko2 told me about it on Twitter (coz I asked XD) but I really had no idea what their purpose was. It was so brilliant. The angels totally rock. Castiel's boss is totally rockin' awesome for all the things he said to Dean in the end.

To prove to you that the path you're on is truly in your blood.
You're a hunter.
Not because your dad made you.
Not because God called you back from hell.
But because it is what you are.
And you love it.
You'll find your way to it in the dark every single time,
And you're miserable without it.
Dean, let's be real here... you're good at this.

And the best wake-up call of it all:

Most folks live and die without moving anything more than the dirt it takes to bury them.
You get to change things, save people.
...Maybe even the world.
All the while, you drive a classic car and fornicate with women.
This isn't a curse... it's a gift!
So, for God's sakes, Dean, QUIT WHINING ABOUT IT.
Look around, there are plenty of fates worse than yours.
So, you with me?
You want to go steam yourself another latte?

Or are you ready to stand up and be who you really are?




I find it very interesting though, that Zachariah, CASTIEL'S BOSS, actually descended from his celestial heights to come and do this deed himself. Seriously, isn't this like child's play for the angels? Come on, Castiel brought Dean time traveling!!! This has got to be a lower level than that, right? So why can't he just send Castiel or any of his other "ducks" to do this? Why does he have to descend HIMSELF? It just felt like he wanted to check out this so-called HUMAN himself, y'know? This human whom Castiel has a soft spot for. Just feels like Zachariah wanted to meet "THE CHOSEN ONE" face-to-face!

And it's also interesting how they turned the tables around for Dean & Sam here. Is it just me, or does it really feel like Sam is the brawn in thie episode and Dean is the brains? Dude, Sam is kicking down the doors and Dean is doing the research... which brings us to those nutjobs GHOSTFACERS! OMFG they brought those nutties back! Still awkwardly hilarious as always! The amnesiac/alternate universe Winchesters, a.k.a. "Smith" & "Wesson" learning their Ghostbusting 101 from THE GHOSTFACERS! OH BLASPHEMY! WHAT A DISGRACE!!!!!!!! Again, the thing I said about Dean shooting himself? Yeah, totally.

One other thing that I feel totally knocks into my soul (more like it totally charged its way into it instead of knocking LMAO) is the part where Zachariah tells Dean that the way he's living is not a curse, but a gift instead. And looking at that Revolutionary Road corporate pattern Dean & Sam was chucked into this episode, I totally agree. The thing is, most of these androids don't even realize that they're stuck in this unfortunate curse. Even when they're not happy, they still couldn't pull themselves out of it because they think it's the thing that everyone is doing, therefore they have to do it as well. Such as, graduate college, get a job in a big corporate company, get married really young, have lots of children, domesticate, blah blah blah blah blah... only because everyone else seems to be doing it! And what sickens me the most about these types of corporate androids (also known in my dictionary as the networking whores), they actually think they're all that shiz and look down on the artisans and bohemians and demon hunters types of the world simply because those others aren't swearing their lives unconditionally to the economy (The economy is our shepherd, we shall not want----LOL---South Park joke, nvm), foreign currencies, capital investments and the damned interest rate all the time? SERIOUSLY? Do they even know they're being made fun of as the "stereotypical curse" nowadays? American Psycho. Revolutionary Road. See what the angel said? It's a curse. They should get off their high pedestal and realize that the world isn't going around simply because of them. That statement applies to the Asians, especially. I get so annoyed sometimes!!!

'Tis a terrible life, indeed. Glad I'm not one of them unfortunates.

Now brace yourself for seriousness or angst, for I have a feeling this is probably one of the last (if not the very last) amusing Supernatural episode we'll have this season.

P.S. Oh one more thing I absolutely love: "My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo." XD

supernatural, wtf, television

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