Emergency H/C Fic Recs?

Sep 19, 2013 18:03

I've had a terribly stress-filled week, and last night I hardly got any sleep at all because my brain was teeming with All the Things, including plenty of problems that I know can't do anything about, thankyouverymuchbrain. I've finally wrapped up at least one of two nerve-wracking graphic design jobs that I've been angsting over, but now I need a way to decompress, and most of the books I'm reading at the moment are not quite light reading material.

What I'd really love to read is some of the fluffiest H/C fic ever invented. \o/ Any chance I could beg some multi-fandom recs off of my flist? Some of my favorite fandoms, with favorite hero to see in need of H/C added in parenthesis: Lord of the Rings (Aragorn), SGA (Shep), SG1 (Daniel) White Collar (Neal), NCIS (Tony), NCIS:LA (Callen) and Sherlock BBC (Watson).

That's not to say, of course, that I don't welcome any gen fic you might recommend within aforementioned fandoms, no matter the designated recipient of H/C. ;) I would also welcome self-recs as well as "old" stories I've already read (y'know, those stories that everyone in the fandom has to have already read at some point because they're so good - all those extremely re-readable fics).

Bring on the fluffiness. *puppy-dog eyes*

fic, fandoms, teh drama, recs

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