Last weekend I decided I wanted to get some funky nail designs. I bought some plastic ones like I did a while ago (remember the sakura slash hawaiian ones I had a little while ago?) and decided to go for some of those again, since they are... well, close to 50$ cheaper than the glittery ones I got a month ago.
They kind of remind me of a lolita kind of style. But then again I don't know much of the lolita fashion so... Lol.
The only thing is they already started chipping (the black is chipping on the edge), so I'll probably take them off next weekend. But for now they looks very cute and I like them.
On another note. Has anyone watched the new TV serie called "Fringe"? It's playing right now, and it's the most disgusting thing I've seen on TV in a really long time. And I watch CSI regularly... LOL