The Most Important Day of My Life :) Wish Me Luck

Jun 23, 2006 01:20

Mood: Enthusiastic Terrified...Elated

The first day of the rest of my life.

That’s what the instructor said at today’s orientation. Truer words could not be spoken. I never thought I’d end up in in the best college in the country, well as far as digital arts and media go. I’m the first person in my family to go to college, my Mother and father having done a few years at vocational or trade schools here and there, the proverbial “Jack of all trades, master of none.“

No longer can I sleep ‘till noon then slap myself in front of the computer all day doing nothing, but it’s okay. This is worth it.

Never once when I read the Ad’s in my favorite gaming mag (Game Informer) did I dream I’d be attending Full Sail, a school with more accreditations then another in the country. The only school to offer hands on training with RockStars gaming engine.

8 full sized soundstages complete with sets built by Hollywood professionals.

The only school with a theater sized dubbing stage. One that George Lucas himself has asked to use, one that’s been used to dub such television shows as The Sopranos and The Simpson’s.

Should I mention their music studios? The one’s that have trained hundreds of Grammy nominees and winners? No exaggeration, look here and check out how many grad's are on the Billboard list if you don’t believe me. The school who’s graduates have not only worked on but dominated such films as The Lord of the Rings, Titanic, Fast and the Furious, Jurassic Park the list goes on and on.

This is my thing, my major, my dream come true. To be able to sit behind the camera, to be the one who captures and brings you the next classic. And that’s just what I’m going to do.

It’s not going to be easy, in a industry that changes daily things have to be learnt fast, at least four and a half years of work and study crammed into 18 grueling months. Meaning 40+ hour weeks, basic schooling, lectures and such along with 15-17 hour labs, shooting, editing and what-not Labs that can begin at any time be it three in the afternoon or one in the morning. Yes my friends this is “Real World Education.“ Hell the school looks like a homeless shelter at times, people crashed out on couches and chairs. Make no mistake though, Regardless of lack of sleep or expense and it is expensive, one four hour class in particular rounds out to $7,000 and the entire tuition is a hefty $59,000. Oh and certain equipment certification's that add another $10,000 on to it.

it is worth it.

Perhaps I'm bragging (though, honestly who wouldn't ^^; ) Or perhaps I'm still trying to convince myself it's real. Either way I hope you'll wish me luck!

The first day of the rest of my life, Yes it most certainly is.
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