Pairings: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Lancelot (of sorts), Gwen/Morgana, Merlin/Lancelot
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU
Word count (total): Prologue: 741, Chapter 1: 4,835 of 83,969 words
Summary: After two years of being a tourguide on an Arthurian Legend Tour, Merlin will forever remember this particular one and not just because of the tourists' names...
Disclaimer: As much as we would like it to be otherwise, Arthur and Merlin belong to the BBC. We just enjoy playing with them.
Authors' Notes: This is one of those "What if..." ideas that grew and grew and... uhm... grew. We had tonnes of fun with this and it's very close to our hearts. We loved doing all the research and using it to suit our needs.
To Lilithilien, Kabal42, Inspiredlife and Hermette for being willing to beta this monster!fic. We cannot tell you how much we appreciate the time and effort you put into reading this over for us and for making sure that it's as good as it could possibly be.
Vid -
Prologue -
Chapter 1 Masterpost