It's been a LONG time!

Aug 16, 2005 09:28

Ok, so I haven't updated for a very LONG time!

Let's see....I went to the Bahamas for 2 weeks with my family, and it was awesome! We stayed at the Four Seasons on Exuma for 4 days, and then flew to Nassau, and Paradise Island to stay at Atlantis for 4 days, then took the Majesty of the Seas Cruise Ship home! It was a blast!!

Ok...what else. My Mom is getting married at the end of the month...blah. I don't know, I liked the situation better when he didn't live here. My Mom listens too much to other people. It annoys me! If she knows something she is doing annoys him, she just stops. Hell! I would keep doing it. I think she doesn't feel equal to him, probably because he's male. Men suck, lol. ;)

So, school starts soon again! Yay! I found out who my roomie is, and she is obviously Christian again, but hopefully more accepting than Katelyn was ;).

Oh yea! I got a Tattoo! It's my name Neferkaaset, in Hierglyphs. I love it!

Well, I'll def. update more when school starts!


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