У меня нет настроения ни с чем там спорить, но по-моему это всё не главное. Главное то, что это важнейший момент карьеры Джоковича когда он наконец может обогнать Надаля и Федерера и стать главным претендентом на звание GOAT. Это то, чему он посвятил свою жизнь и карьеру. И вот этим он решил рискнуть чтобы не дай бог не уколоться, причем отлично зная, что имеет дело не с кем-то там, а с совершенно невменяемыми антиподами. Никак не могу его похвалить.
Ну и мелкие детали типа "ошибки" в иммиграционной декларации путешествий с ковидом в декабре как бы наводят на мысль, что он действительно считает, что правила на него не распространяются. Что не вызывает дополнительных симпатий.
That's pretty much how I feel about it. Both Djokovic and the Australians look bad in this story. However, given that there is so much at stake for Djokovic personally, his refusal to vaccinate looks truly bizarre and almost deranged. There is now a good chance that he will be remembered as some sort of antivax crusader rather than simply a great champion, maybe even GOAT.
He had covid recently. He doesn’t need any shots at this time. As I wrote below, for me this is a story about Aussies, not about him. This is much bigger for me than GOAT.
He could have gotten vaccinated earlier and avoided the drama altogether.
The Aussies behaved strangely (at least for a modern democracy) from the beginning - they would not even let Australian citizens leave the country last year. (In fact I know some-one who was forced to resign from his position so that they let him leave). But there is not much new there.
I think this is irrelevant to discuss what he could have done earlier, the only important matter is what was his status at the point of applying to the tournament/visa. At that point he had natural immunity. Here it should have been a fat period. I’m not his fan at all and I suspected his arrogance way earlier than this story, but that also has no relevance to the matter. The fact is that he is at present as safe as anyone else on the tournament, but who is denied by ridiculous politically-motivated reasons.
That’s why republic should be better than democracy. They don’t have something like US constitution there. People in general are vulnerable to which hunts, unfortunately.
But what do we learn from this story about the Aussies that we had not known before? Yes, their rules are draconian and make little sense, but we already knew that.
On the other hand, Djokovic comes across as arrogant and irrational, thinking that he would skirt them personally and even putting his career at risk, and that is something new, at least to me.
I thought they won’t do it to him just to score some approval points. But apparently I have underestimated their condition.
In this particular situation I don’t see any fault from Djoker. He had antibodies from having covid and didn’t need a shot even by official medical standards. And it wasn’t in his power not to have covid.
В принципе мог, но непонятно какой в этом смысл если опасаться осложнений от прививки, Разумно было бы привиться в конце прошлого сезона, в ноябре. А ещё разумнее год назад.
I was also a little surprised they did it twice, even after the first judge ruled for Djokovic. That seems a bit much.
However my understanding (perhaps I am mistaken) is that Djokovic was not completely truthful in his visa application, so formally they had a reason to kick him out.
Я вообще не фанат Джокера как личности от слова «совсем». И косяков за ним водится целый вагон и маленькая тележка. Но он только что перенёс ковид. О каком уколе может быть речь? Так что для меня это история совсем не про геройство Джокера, сколько про невменяемость антиподов.
A для меня эта история подтверждает один из давно выученных уроков жизни: ничего хорошего от столкновения мудаков произойти не может. Невменяемость антиподов была во входных данных, про них всё давно известно, их уже не исправить. Новаку надо было решать свои задачи, а не бодаться с этими придурками. То что в его ситуации прививка нафиг не нужна ничего не меняет. Это был осознанный и совершенно неоправданный риск.
Ну, если принимать это во входных данных... ;) То остаётся ещё вероятность сценария при котором он собирался привиться незадолго до АО но вместо этого заболел.
Ну и мелкие детали типа "ошибки" в иммиграционной декларации путешествий с ковидом в декабре как бы наводят на мысль, что он действительно считает, что правила на него не распространяются. Что не вызывает дополнительных симпатий.
However, given that there is so much at stake for Djokovic personally, his refusal to vaccinate looks truly bizarre and almost deranged.
There is now a good chance that he will be remembered as some sort of antivax crusader rather than simply a great champion, maybe even GOAT.
He had covid recently. He doesn’t need any shots at this time.
As I wrote below, for me this is a story about Aussies, not about him. This is much bigger for me than GOAT.
The Aussies behaved strangely (at least for a modern democracy) from the beginning - they would not even let Australian citizens leave the country last year. (In fact I know some-one who was forced to resign from his position so that they let him leave). But there is not much new there.
I think this is irrelevant to discuss what he could have done earlier, the only important matter is what was his status at the point of applying to the tournament/visa. At that point he had natural immunity. Here it should have been a fat period.
I’m not his fan at all and I suspected his arrogance way earlier than this story, but that also has no relevance to the matter. The fact is that he is at present as safe as anyone else on the tournament, but who is denied by ridiculous politically-motivated reasons.
That’s why republic should be better than democracy. They don’t have something like US constitution there. People in general are vulnerable to which hunts, unfortunately.
On the other hand, Djokovic comes across as arrogant and irrational, thinking that he would skirt them personally and even putting his career at risk, and that is something new, at least to me.
I thought they won’t do it to him just to score some approval points. But apparently I have underestimated their condition.
In this particular situation I don’t see any fault from Djoker. He had antibodies from having covid and didn’t need a shot even by official medical standards. And it wasn’t in his power not to have covid.
Ну, я Мише Б. написал: он мог собираться привиться перед АО, но не получилось из-за болезни. Я не вижу тут его вины. Тем более что ему дали визу.
However my understanding (perhaps I am mistaken) is that Djokovic was not completely truthful in his visa application, so formally they had a reason to kick him out.
Я вообще не фанат Джокера как личности от слова «совсем». И косяков за ним водится целый вагон и маленькая тележка. Но он только что перенёс ковид. О каком уколе может быть речь?
Так что для меня это история совсем не про геройство Джокера, сколько про невменяемость антиподов.
Ну, если принимать это во входных данных... ;)
То остаётся ещё вероятность сценария при котором он собирался привиться незадолго до АО но вместо этого заболел.
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