Ooooooh k

Oct 03, 2012 04:01

Is it any wonder that I unendingly compliment my friends and peers?

That I smile at the few people I chance upon when outside of my own head?

And is it any wonder that I go sprinting back into solitude afterwards?!

I really really really enjoy my privacy.
And yes I admit that due to my latent introverted tendencies I get excited, up to and beyond the point of reason when suddenly called upon socially.

Most of this is well known or understood well enough.

But then there are situations where I just get turned off to the whole social criteria.
"Ugh just leave me alone" -_- *spends three days in bed napping*

This is one of those times.
Apparently I'm "not a real man" because Kat (omg <3) has guy friends.

God damn it the stupidity of this semi one sided argument makes me fucking exhausted.

"Do you trust her friends?"
WTF why are you pussy footing around the question?!
Do I trust her?!
Well lets not turn this into a love letter.
Yes I trust her.
..."do you trust these guys who say they're her friends?"
OMG stop beating around the bush!
Do I distrust her friends?!
No! Why should I. Because they have dicks? Because they're scum bags who have been lying for years in order to seduce her? Because I have an inferiority complex and can't take the slightest inkling that she's talking to other people.

Nope sorry I actually have faith in humanity's worth.
I refuse to believe that a mans soul resides in his dick.
That women are incapable of forging a Platonic relationship. (Because we all know that women are eternally battling homosexual urges, and the need to wear bikinis and settle disagreements with pillow boxing and tickle fights)

I get rather frustrated when humanity is ignored and stereotypes are mplemented. And I get a bit defensive when the subject involves someone I care about.

Oh and it gets better.
As if the backwards thinking didn't make my skin crawl enough.
This guy says he'll pray that Kat grows apart from her friends.
>_< that's so fucking unethical, such a terrible thing to hope for.

What the hell is wrong with people?!
You know what fuck this whole thing, I think its high time I spent that minimum three days in happy seclusion.
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