Sep 07, 2010 14:21
So, I currently hate the credit card company I use, and I'm considering not using it anymore, even if they do have the best cash back options. At some point, something I did tripped their fraud protection. So they shut down the card. Was I notified? No. So I went to the grocery store, and suddenly my card is declined. AFTER it is declined, they call... "Oh gee... did you want to actually use that card? We had a fraud alert. Oh... that was your normal purchasing activity? Gee. That sucks. Kbye." So they turn the card back on. Meanwhile, I've paid a hospital bill with that card. Oh shit, they swiped it twice. Queue fraud alert. I go to the same fucking grocery store as before. It's declined... they call. "Oh gee... did you want [ad nauseum]."
So I complain. This is inappropriate. If you automatically shut down the card, you should automatically call me when you fucking shut it down.
"Oh well if you don't like it, don't use the card."
No problem. I won't.
But I'm not satisfied. I want more than this. How do I get revenge on this fucking thing? Give me ideas.