Jul 12, 2008 05:08
Each day a lasting embrace into an eternity of myriad hues
Every moment gained then lost in an instant of illusion
Bringing together a mirage of images into my dreams
Yet nothing stays upon my eyes opening
I grasp at wisps of memory dancing in the peripheral
The shadows of people who may not have been there
Yet one stands out haunting the hallways of my mind
Tempting me to drop my guard and open the gates
I become trapped by this prison of my own making
To sleep is to dream but no sleep comes
I know what awaits me as I drift into bitter sweet oblivion
And as I turn my eyes I watch the sun rise above the horizon
Staring back at me as the shadow of my heart does
Lulling me to lay myself down to sleep
So I can see her as a phantasm in my minds eye
Drifting into that sweet embrace that I cannot feel
Wishing this dream was the reality that I always miss
Goodnight I say to my closing eyes
Welcome beauty so surreal
Imaginary made by dreams wanton wishes
I drift away on those thoughts of you
Letting sleeps embrace take me
Leaving only but a smile