Jul 08, 2008 22:20
A light that opens my sleep ridden eyes to the morning, to the dew dripping off the vines on the trestle, to the flowers finding bloom in the sweet scent of the early morning air, to the wispy mist of breath from lips, your lips. This is not the sun's light that takes my breath away, but your radiance, your eyes lips nose, every feature of your face caught in my eyes.
Oh summer why did you come, a tease before fall leaves change to a rainbow of color, and then become foliage to die. Twisting into glistening white flakes, falling and covering the ground, then in a sheet of snow follows winter. Finally, slowly thawing out the earth with heat and rain, uncovering the grass so it may once again grow green comes spring, this final cycle before summer is once again upon us.
But even in this worlds most precious of cycles, there is no beauty that compares to you. Not diamond or pearl, not a freshly cut rose, only you yourself brings the light unto my eyes, fire into my heart, life into my breath.
But what is this feeling without life, or life without this feeling? Together they make the world go round with such wonder. Please never let this feeling stop within my heart, for with out you, with out love, life is nothing.