A face?

Jun 29, 2005 21:27

Today I was basically doing the usual, but since my bro...disposed of my bike, I used his for a 5 mile bikeride, they moved the picnic table....where I was going to enjoy the day, write poems, draw, read...and write thank you cars. Other then being sore in the stomache ( I have a stomache infection)I enjoyed the day.

Just a few moments ago, I was contemplating something, and I decided to write it down...accesibly so when I need it to rreference a subject, I can look up the source to correct any inccorect quotations I have made regarding this text....

Therefore : (This is my pitch)

Beauty is at face value. The way you look, your external features, naturally..(this is excluding weight gane, or surgery). Is not your control, so why worry about it. You're genetics will always be your genetics, and identifying with your ancestory is what you do each time you look in the mirror. 4 Example, as a kid my mom would say "You have your aunts eye shape... (Which is cat eyes) not like the eyes like the slit, but its the skiin around the eye causing its shape, some ppl find it sexy, and some ppl call you oriental , pick one?

There are a lot of people out there that say they hate themselves, or do not like there physical appearance.
1. Thgis is very common
2. There is NOTHING wrong with saying that, it only becomes wrong when you go to extreme measures, like following Micheal Jacksons surgery stravaganza, or on a fast for a long time till you get a disease.
- Why is it not wrong to say that you dont find yourself extremly attractive blah blah blah. This is why. The only one that can determine your self esteem is yourself, and in some cases as we grow into adulthood, we take things as we learn them. Somewhere in the childhood you have learned, hmm if I dont look like that gal on Vogue then I'm hideous. People say outloud that, its not true, but everyone, (female I've known..including myself) will look at someone and covet. Its natural.

Thgis is far fetched, but another theory of mine.
Everyone is Ugly
but is being Ugly necessarily a bad thing? The word Ugly in the dictionsary means:Displeasing to the eye; unsightly ( def found from dictionary.com)

Displeasing to the eye...lets onder this. When you ask a fr iend what is your type, meaning what is that persons preference. Everyone, is different, meaning we all have mutated genes....or we would end up looking like replecas. So if I persay (this doest mean its true) like a guy with black hair, alil chubby, with muscle.)
Black hair meaning sharp looks, peircing eyes basically
muscle means to be protected, and alil chubby means something nice to hug...so what does that sound like? It sounds like a girl that wants a comforter.

So next time you dont think you're all that hawt or exotic, DONT sweat it, its NOT a bad thing, because somewhere out there you are someones preference. Ofcourse you dont like yourself, because in your mind the attributes you find beautiful or exotic is TOTALLY different from someone else.

I know its confusing I should so write a book on this :)

And the weird thing is, stating my ideas on that subject makes me feel really p[retty right now, Id feel such s loser if I wa sa bimbo (Not meanig that if you are a bimbo means you are a loser...depends on the preference)

Oh and everyone should tr ybiking for 10 miles straight, I'm trying , I only reached 5 today.
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