Service with a psycho smile.

May 29, 2010 02:36

I've been wrangled into writing again. I blame the fact that I have had a continuous dream involving my friends for almost two years. At least once a week this dream picks up like a television show. It has even had flashbacks and forward flashes. Its like my brain/subconscious has lost its merry little mind. Not that there was much too lose in the first place.

Getting back to the point... I recently let someone read the first thing I ever wrote down because of the dream. It was such a positive response that I felt that I needed to return to the project. And no sooner do I make that decision, but my subconscious decided to let them into the dream too. Not too mention the story itself. They have become an integral part as well. Almost the conscience of the story. "Because they believe it, I believe it." Kind of thing. So don't be too surprised in the future if I suddenly start posting stories. Just thought I should give everyone who bothers to read my inanity fair warning.

the dream

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