Dec 22, 2007 23:56
Well, when I walked into the YMCA today, that certain smell (and one that I love) of chlorine hit my nose and made me perk up. Is this the smell of fitness? Who knows? But what I do know is I'm glad Emily Beningo was working the front desk when I walked up to purchase my membership.
Not only was she extremely helpful, she also "took care" of my $100.00 activation fee. SCORE!!!!!!!
One thing that's changed since I've been to the 'Y', 1 year contract. While I thought this would be a bad thing, now that I think about it, it may end up helping me in the long run. And by that I mean when I get feeling depressed and feel like cancelling my membership, ordering a small jets pizza with bacon and pepperoni and a diet coke, and going to bask in my self-pity, I will stop and think: "Hmmmmm.... wait a minute, don't I have a 1 year contract? Oh yeah that's right, I guess I don't need this pizza and D.C., maybe I should go take out my depression/frustration/whatever on the eliptical machine?"
So that's my theory. If I know that I have to be there for a year, I will use it to make a long story short.
So that's the story about my visit to the 'Y'.
After that, I taught some piano lessons, had a violin lesson (which went very badly!), and then worked. That's it!
So, I feel like I've at least taken the first step to achieving my goal, which is one less thing I have to worry about. I feel good about it too. And if I'm not too hung over on New Years day, I'm planning on being at the 'Y' bright and early to get my ass into shape.
Oh, p.s..... I discovered the other day that my ass has a fupa, so that was basically the last straw :)
Anyways, it's getting late, I'm going to bed. Later bitches