Laura and Grace, in fashion by Grace!
Hannah likes her woody ^^
The oldies in the kitchen...Mr and Mrs Galbraith, Mrs George and Mum
Bonnie and Holly try to make a quick getaway
The impressive array of food. We had lots left over, what we didn't scoff, we gave to the Manchester St Flat.
The Wall of Shame. All my baby/growing up photos. Ick!
Dad and Mr Galbraith discuss something manly, by the looks of things.
Rose, Gus, Vic, Muppet and Aaron discuss stuffs.
ciere, Patricia and Imogen take advantage of free drinks, while Bruce waves on.
Grace and her Ma. Jimmy's trying to impinge on their quality mother-daughter time!
Daniel does authentic hippy like no-one else!
Todd, Bonnie and Holly catch up
Andy describes something (involving violent hand motions) to Grant, Josh Glue, Roger and Rosie.
Vic, Gus and Nell seem to be admiring the amazing decking. Yes, it is all nailed down!
Sonia, Bruce, Peter and Hannah dominate the corner
Mrs Beyers and Mrs George socialise on the sofa.
Luana and Krystal relive our glory days when we all taught KidsChurch
Mrs O'Callaghan and Mr George chat lightly over glasses of punch
I think I was mocking Greg when this photo was taken, but he seems only a little amused!
Tim, Katherine, Nathan van Rij and Ryan make smalltalk, but fail to ignore the camera!
Ruth, Miriam and Erica smiling nicely
Stace takes the piss outta my baby photos. That bastard!
Lara also seems to find the photos rather amusing. Michael seems non-plussed.
Rosie gets all giggly over the free wine...
...while mum and Mrs Shaw hang out in the office (where all the cool kids are)
...half man, half fish, Mr Shaw brings a carnival atmosphere to the whole affair!
Ethan Shaw and Ross represent all the new teenagers in the 'hood
While dad admires his shiny....handle (on the coffee machine!!!)
Grant and Josh Glue seem THRILLED at the prospect of beer, while Jeremy's still not sure!
Tim and Olly talk shop. Probably telemarketing (damn tellymarketers!)
Auntie Vicki and Mrs Beyers are caught mid-speech
That's me dad!!
Mum gets a bit teary during speeches, while everyone else just thinks it nice. (Except me, who's mooching around feeling embarrassed!)
Aw, shucks, guys, now I AM embarrassed!
The crowd watches the speeches. I can't be bothered naming everyone!
Erica orates our arses!
while Ross, Stace, Peter, Ruth, Sonia, Josh Rice, Kate, Tim and Bruce look on
...feeling a little awkward....there's only so much praise one can take before one HAS to start examining one's fingernails!
A rather blurry photo, but VERY IMPORTANT, because in the WHOLE TIME I've known Grace I've never, EVER seen her do public speaking. We have photographic evidence now!!
Tim, Jeremy, Bruce, Grant and Roger were impressed
Aww, friends moment!!!!
Grant gives his speech (rather hard, he says, seeings he can't mention drugs or alcohol!)
The remnants of the Merrymaking Committee, Grace, Hannah and Laura
I think Davikins has a different idea of a pose to Rose or Todd!
Mum, Erica and Aunti Vicki admire the napkins (Geez, was it THAT boring?!)
Mrs Shaw feels surrounded by Georges....Mrs George and Miriam plan to assimilate her into the clan!
Is that my godmother, Auntie Kim, doing the FINGER? Krystal and Mrs Beyers seem concerned that my friends are rubbing off on her....
While Ruth tries desperately to hide from her mum that she's been tucking into the free booze!
...while Greg and my godfather, Uncle Mike, just find it all very amusing!
David is still finding something fishy in Mr Shaw....
While the crowd on the deck (Michael, Jippy, Zach, Grant, Jeremy, Josh Glue, Roger, Leone, Chantal and Tara) party on
Tim and Jenna chat with my old man...
While Josh smiles uncharacteristically for the camera. He's probably so smiley coz he knows he got me a kick arse present (beaming poi!!)
Grant, Jeremy, Glue and Ryan catch up on Old Times
...while across the deck, Sharlene, Tom, Olly, Bruce, Peter, Josh and Sonia have a fine time
Sharlene and Izy meant to strike a pose, but Tom's arm interceded
Hannah cracks up. I feel left out, I missed the joke!
Dave Murch chats with Hannah (presumably) about the Old Skool days at Chch Boys' and Chch Girls' High respectively
But, unfortunately, Stace, Grant and Muppet couldn't go ONE NIGHT without bum sex!
All was right with the world according to Glue, who had free food! Grant is left wondering whether his summation of the meaning of life is correct
Dad and Uncle Rob get stuck into the espresso resident coffee nazis!
Dave seems to find it funny that I'm busted trying to sneakily open my presents!
My birthday cake. Innit purdy? Tasted fantastic too!
Mr O'Callaghan grins for the paparazzi
The momentous cutting of the cake. W00t!
Rory looks dodgy....probably coz he's scheming to spike the punch!
Erica gets up close and personal with Mrs Beyers
While Krystal and Miriam smile for the camera
Mrs Beyers soon managed to snag both Yvette and Erica. It seems there was a plan to all close their eyes, but Yvette missed the memo.
The three aunts: Aunties Steph, Vicki and Kim get into the party spirit
While the Georges take over the sofa...Mrs George, David and Greg
The Girls' High Crew: Vicki, Grace, Laura, Hannah and Rachel Bradstock. Tara and Nell loiter behind
Josh R, American Matt, Rose, Todd, Davikins and someone I don't know (?!) shmooze up
Sonia, Hannah, Peter and Bruce are still dominating the corner action
Ryan, Andy and Roger stand around looking blokish.
While Daniel agrees with Josh on the food summation. Jeremy seems to be having an indecisive day!
Rory, James and Olly have a little cuddle. I don't like the look in Olly's eye...he looks like he's going to kill someone!
Mr and Mrs O'Callaghan chat with Mum and Uncle Rob and Auntie Vicki. The flash blinds everyone!
Someone finally robbed Yvette of the camera and turned her own weapon on her! Yvette's too busy giving them a piece of her mind to smile...
But Ruth soon cheers her up, and they have a friends moment too!
Mrs Shaw gets smooched by Bruce...
But Bruce is sharin' his lovin' tonight (in a manly, platonic way, of course!)
Hannah seems to realise Bruce is being a photo slut and is not so impressed!
Hey, it's my party, I can laugh if I want to! Besides, you would laugh too, if you used to work in my line of work and were wearing a police hat!
And that's it!
Phew, that took ages, seeings I had to figure out how to make it all work AND upload those photos.
But I have my own computer now (squee!!) so I can sit up till (good God!!!) 6am doing this kinda stuff!!