Fic for SGA Reverse Bang

Nov 15, 2018 14:25

Well, after 2 years, I finally managed to not only write something, but actually finish a story! And posting... I feel like I'm leading myself down a dark corridor, but I finally figured it out. Yes, it's been that long.

Title: Time Passages
Pairing/Characters: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay; Other
Rating: G - Gen
Warnings: None
Summary: It didn't take a genius with two Ph.D.s to tell there was trouble as soon as they walked through the 'gate.

Notes: Many thanks to my beta readers,
melagan and
trillingstar, and to my "Squee" family for their support and encouragement. This is not the story I set out to write, it is the story that would be written.

Link to fic: On AO3
Link to art: On AO3

sga reversebang

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