All Hallow's Eve

Oct 31, 2013 17:01

Oh, current fic, why can't I quit you?

Are you a writer? Do you obsess over your stories? I don't mean plot points or ascending/descending action or peaks and climaxes. I mean simple word choices and whether one thought or piece of dialogue should come before or after another. I mean obsessively pouring over a simple short story that maybe a dozen people will read… Do you do this? Why? Why do I do it… (cue Pee Wee voice) I don't know!

I started writing this story for apocalypse_kree a month ago. It's now past due, but I aim to post it anyway. Granted, I had a few sick days when I just couldn't concentrate, but for the most part I've just been worrying over "is it done yet?" Is it ready? Is it good enough? Why do some stories flow like river rapids and others like a quart of 10W-50 in a Green Bay garage in the middle of winter?

Oh well, today is the perfect time to post my little zombie fic and come hell or liquefied brains, I'm determined to do just that! *goes off to make those 'last' edits*


writing, pointless musings

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