Sep 22, 2013 22:24
In two short days, I'll be off to spend an entire week with some wonderful people who, if not for fandom - and SGA Fandom in particular - I would never have had the great fortune to know. Several events over the last week have caused me to pause and think about those people - the ones I know and the ones I interact with but have never met. One was receiving a package and finding out that these crazy, wonderful friends pulled off an auction totally behind my back and for my benefit. I was stunned, as was my son who asked me twice if folks that I knew online had really gotten me a new laptop, and then he stopped saying anything when I started to tear up. It's still a little hard to believe, and when I say to those of you who had a hand in this, thank you, please know that I mean it from my heart.
Something else that filled my heart was learning how much fun people had in participating, offering their services at auction, being excited about creating for fandom - just think of all the delicious new fannish goodies that await! And that got me to thinking about my waning participation... outside of Daily_Flan or the SGA Newsletter, I haven't been around much, even though I do check my flist and I see the posts. For a long time, I was suffering from burnout - from work, fandom, family, everything it seemed - but, mercifully, that's getting better and better. I'm actually very excited about the upcoming Squee Weekend (just wish I could buy you all plane tickets) and I seem to be building up some excitement for writing again.
That brings me to a challenge to myself, and one that I invite you all to do as well. We've all seen the Post Every Day for a Month wave, which is a grand thing. It's nice to see so many people back on the flist again. But, instead of me posting about something, my challenge is going to be to Participate Every Day for a Month! Read stories and comment, read posts and comment, make some art, write a few lines, talk about a new fannish interest, find a community to shine the spotlight on, pay attention to what is going on in fandom right now! Because fandom is FULL and I've benched myself for much too long now. I may wait until Squee Weekend is over to begin, but then... a new laptop... who knows, a week with squeeful SGA fans might be just the place to start.
Thank you again my friends ::SMISHES YOU ALL::
thank yous,