Sunday Porne - Caprice (Lorne/Parrish) NC-17

Jun 17, 2012 16:22

I found a lonely prompt left by clwilson2006 at comment_fic: Lorne/Parrish - Little Black Dress. It put a vision in my mind and nothing would do but to write this out.

Title: Caprice
Author: Neevebrody
Pairing: Lorne/Parrish
Rating: NC-17 (language and discussion of adult situations)
Words: 2,000-ish
Notes: Unbetaed, and there's crossdressing.
Legal: These characters do not belong to me. Sadly, they belong to people that didn't treat them nearly as nice.
Summary: Lorne wasn't quite sure what Parrish was supposed to be. Suddenly, it was too hard to think and breathe at the same time.

All draped in black, the mess hall was a different place from the lively hub it was at breakfast. Gone was the aroma of black coffee and baked goods, replaced by the salt and musk of co-mingled bodies and laced with the occasional whiff of the chemical components of fake blood and something that smelled like the empty venue after a Grateful Dead concert. Someone, Lorne couldn't remember who, had the idea this was a good thing for the entire base. And perhaps it was; who was he to question? Though, instead of participating, the major had volunteered for security detail.

Actually, the chemists were pretty ingenious, even if they weren't very original. If he hadn't known better, Evan might fear for his brains. It was pretty cool, though, how they'd made the flesh peel and hang so realistically. Next to nerdy zombies, fairies seemed to be well represented as well as the obligatory witches, vamps, and werewolves - that dweeb Johannsen, where had he scored that much glitter? He seemed to be a big hit, even if those thick horned rims did shoot the seductive vamp look all to hell.

On the other hand, Sergeant Richardson as a Jack Sparrow wannabe was making quite an impression. Jesus, those tight pants hid nothing, not to mention the suggestive way he wore that scabbard around his trim waist. Anyway, everyone seemed happy - laughing, drinking, dancing - so Evan had to admit, Atlantis' first Halloween costume ball probably was a good idea.

Stifling a yawn, he turned to check out a different section of the mess and had to chuckle to himself. There were the botanists all clumped together. Rather a cliquish sort, but talk about originality… Dr. Arnisston as an Astraeus hygrometricus (at least that's what was printed on his nametag when Lorne saw him come in) was a real stand-out, along with Dr. Chang, among the more demurely costumed of their group. The docs all had beer or some other colorful concoctions in hand, which only added to the vagary. Lorne grinned and ducked his head to hide it. The infirmary was sure going to be a busy place in the morning - if not before.

A commotion near the doorway pulled Evan's attention there. It was another gaggle of botanists - Drs. Brown, Southerland, and a few others he didn't know their names. However, it was Dr. Parrish who was causing all the commotion. Lorne wasn't quite sure what Parrish was supposed to be. Suddenly, it was too hard to think and breathe at the same time.

Parrish' face was made up with a white pasty look and dark circles around his eyes. His hair had been gelled and spiked, for want of a better word. Emo chick? A clever take on the Wraith? Nah, even the botanists weren't that nerdy. Perhaps the doc had lost another bet, Lorne mused, letting his eyes drift to take in the complete costume. Just then Parrish laughed at something Dr. Brown said, revealing the fake fangs.

Bet or no, at least the doc was being a good sport about it. It was a masquerade, after all, but still there was something about Parrish's body language that finally nixed the bet notion. It was open, not guarded at all, and there was definitely light dancing in those eyes. Yep, the doc looked totally comfortable in that little black dress.

His first thought was where in hell Parrish could have gotten it - there were only a handful of female scientists who were as tall. It fell to just above the doc's bony knees, or maybe it was just that his legs were so long. But it was the way the dress hugged Parrish's hips and draped across his pecs that held Lorne's attention. The cap sleeves were aslant; resting in such a way to accentuate the spread of the doc's shoulders. It was almost as if the dress had been made especially for….

Those slate-blues flicked to the major and the doc's smile widened. Jesus, just the thought of it being Parrish's dress made Lorne's balls sweat. He could feel the pressure on his uniform front and thank fuck for a strategically placed P-90. Of course, he could just look away. Even with all the eye-candy in Atlantis, he'd never had a problem staunching his wood before. Maybe he could try reciting the phyla and orders of the specimens he'd learned during the last few months, but then that would bring him right back around to that pollen thing and Parrish, and…

And the doc could always do something unexpected like deliberately turning around and standing with his legs seductively apart, pulling his cape aside to give Lorne a perfect view of his ass all squeezed up in that dress.

"New blood?"

Lorne jumped at the intrusion, turning to face Cadman. "What?" he asked, trying to fit the words around the heart stuck in his throat. That damn twinkle in her eye was never a good sign and Lorne didn't even want to think how long she'd been standing there.

"I'm here to relieve you, Major," she said, looking over in the same direction as everyone else, then scanning Lorne up and down. "And just in time by the looks of it."

Lorne relaxed his position and nodded. Not bothering with thank-yous or any other pleasantries, he beat it out of the mess.

Walking at a good clip through the deserted hallways, he had the option of going to his room and getting this out of his system - quick, dirty, and effective - or he could just walk it off. Bypassing the transporter, Lorne chose the latter. The night was brisk and he turned his attention to the stars and the sound of the wind and water.

Lorne occupied his thoughts with requisition forms and maintenance reports and it wasn't until he caught a whiff of the sweet aroma of night blooms that he realized he was near one of the project gardens outside the main science building. A venture to bring more green spaces to the City, Dr. Weir had approved the addition of the gardens scattered across the main hub. Like a dog chasing its tail, that made him think of the botanists, which made him think of the party, which made him think of-

"Good evening…"

Lorne froze mid-step, then turned around already shaking his head. "Doc, that was the worst Lugosi I've ever heard," he remarked, not even knowing why he said it. Perhaps so he wouldn't blurt out how fucking hot Parrish looked. Lorne swallowed hard, the cape was gone now and he couldn't understand how he'd missed being followed in those shoes - or maybe he hadn't. Maybe he'd heard the doc all along, or maybe the major's feet had been willing to take him somewhere the rest of him wasn't quite ready for.

"Well," Parrish said, taking a step closer, a step right into a moonbeam that glanced off his bared shoulders when he moved. "You can't blame a guy for trying."

Christ on a fucking bike… Evan tossed caution away like a spent ammo clip. "You look…"

"What?" Parrish took another step. Another enticing aroma floated on the breeze to join the blooms.

"Incredible," Lorne replied. His cock was filling again and he didn't even care that Parrish could see.

But the doc just smiled. He took Evan's hand and placed it on his hip; the crisp cut of the material and the warmth of the man under it was enough to steam the cold ring of sweat around Lorne's neck.

"And to think… it took me wearing a dress to get you to notice."

Oh, he'd noticed alright and long before that night. "That's not exactly true, doc," Lorne said with a grin. He let his hand skim up over the fabric, the swish-swish singing along with the wind in his ears threatened to buckle his knees.

He stopped just short of the neckline and thought about letting his fingers stray, but decided to let Parrish to make that move. The doc's face had been scrubbed clean, more like the ruddy-cheeked Parrish he was used to, so maybe he hadn't followed Lorne after all. He could've taken a transporter and beat him there, but then that would mean…

"Do you like it?"

His musings totally derailed, it took Lorne a few moments to work out Parrish was asking about the dress. He blinked and mumbled something inane like it being very nice and quite a coincidence finding someone on Atlantis exactly his size.

"It's not a coincidence at all," Parrish answered quietly. The brush of his words on the breeze could have been a hand stroking Evan's balls. "What would you say if I told you it was mine?"

Lorne licked his lips - now that was a requisition he would like to have seen. "I'd say…" he began. What was he supposed to do here? Come out and say that the way Parrish looked in it, he wanted to bend him over the nearest bench? So he settled for "I'd say it suits you." He threw in an evil grin for good measure, fingers itching to slip beneath the dark fabric, to see if the doc's nipples were hard. Evan's certainly were.

But then Parrish leaned down so close they were both breathing the same air. Lorne noted the sweet smell of peppermint when the doc spoke.

"I guess it's no secret I find you attractive, Major." The doc said this as he took Lorne's hand and pushed it lower.

Not any more, it wasn't. Evan cleared his throat. "That could just be the punch talkin', doc."

When Parrish smiled, Evan felt something break loose in his chest."

"I wasn't talking about just tonight."

Lorne knew that. Whether it was something instinctual or something unique in the way he and Parrish seemed to migrate together whenever the opportunity presented, they were like opposite poles on a magnet. The doc had never been this bold before, though, and Evan found he liked it. He liked it a lot.

And, Christ, if Parrish could hide something like looking incredibly hot in a dress, what other hidden talents might he have? Evan let his hand play lightly over the bulge between Parrish's legs; it was tight and hot and made Evan's mouth water.

The hiss of Parrish's breath cut through the night and found its way to Lorne's groin. Damn, he wanted Parrish just like this, wanted to lower the zipper in back and let his mouth chase the fabric as he slowly peeled the garment away to discover a few other secrets. Even if he only made it half way, leaving a band of black clinging to Parrish's hips with the hem raised just enough to get his mouth on Parrish's cock.

That visualization and a cool breeze made Evan sway on his feet. He quickly widened his stance so the doc wouldn't notice, but Parrish was already there, arms around Lorne to hold him steady, lips still just inches away, and it was painfully obvious that the doc was leaving this move up to the major. The look in his eyes and the gleam of moonlight dotting the curve of Parrish's bottom lip was certified 100 proof, and much too much for Evan to ignore any longer.

He curled his hand around the back of Parrish's neck and shivered at the way the little hairs bristled across his fingertips. This kiss was warm against the night air; at first a tentative exploration for both of them, a feeling-out, pseudo innocence that had Lorne's heart beating in a way he needed a long memory to reconcile. It was a kiss that quickly skated out of control at the hint of the doc's tongue. Lorne saw that gambit and raised Parrish, slowing the press of their lips, walking them back a few feet into the refuge of the small alcove where Parrish had first appeared, until Parrish resisted, providing an immovable force, and losing his breath at the hard outline of Parrish's dick. Lorne smiled against the soft, but eager mouth - just like the doc to be a 'grower.'

He opened his eyes for a quick recon of the area. It was quiet, but there never was much foot traffic here at night, save the patrols. Evan knew they had a few more precious minutes. Reaching beneath the hem of the dress, he thought maybe that was all they really needed.

lorne/parrish, nc-17, sga fic, fic

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