What a day!

May 17, 2012 20:34

Hello, lovely flist! I have missed you!!

Wow, what a day. It started out with the same 'ol, same 'ol but by lunchtime, I was in full panic/damage control mode at work. I was going so hard, I didn't realize until about 6:00 that I'd been hitting on all cylinders, running smoothly, and getting things accomplished without any appreciable pain. Let me tell you, I am so thankful for that and I owe it to acupuncture. I'm so glad I went that route. I've only had 4 treatments, but already it's done me more good than the steroid shot. \0/

So, when I finally get home, I find out this gentleman is in town to play in the BMW Celebrity Pro-Am Tournament:

Through his job, my son has Club Passes for Saturday and has informed me that I will be babysitting while he and my DIL spend the day among the stars. Hmmmmm...

As good as the day way, I'm a bit tired now and may just have to take my hot water bottle and say goodnight.


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