It's time for a Post!

Nov 06, 2011 16:00

I sort of feel like I'm everywhere except my journal these days. Work is still being a bear, and if history repeats, the next two months will prove even more so. So many people who've had all year long to incorporate, or transfer property or make a will or change their corporate structure wait until the last few weeks of the year in a mad OMGOMGOMG rush. However... it beats having nothing to do and worrying if your bosses will start cutting hours.

Let me also say THANK YOU to everyone who sent cute, blue spiders my way - I'm going to try and respond to everyone personally, but I do thank you.

I've done a few things since my last substantive post as well.
Again this year, I participated in BOOM, BOOM, BABY! the OZ Big Bang. The story I did art for is In Ordinary Time by Marythefan, or Marylex. This is simply a magnificent story. It's well and cleverly written and presents the characters as if you were watching the story unfold on a screen in front of you. I was totally inspired and knew that the art piece had to be something very special, and it ended up being the most ambitious piece I've ever done. You can take a look at it on the BBB site, HERE.

There are a few more stories and more incredible artwork at the site as well. I'm ashamed to say that things have been such that I haven't had a chance to read the other stories and have only peeked at the art, but if you're an OZ fan, I encourage you to go take a look - you won't be sorry.

I did an art piece for the Trick|Treat prompt at sga_saturday entitled, Tortured. There are also other wonderful entries for that week - you can get the recap of them HERE.

spook_me has also wrapped up and I have the MASTER LIST bookmarked. There are over 70 multi-fandom stories - from The Avengers to X-Men First Class - and I can't wait to dive into them. (I have yet to finish a Spook Me story... maybe next year!)

Also, there are loads of terrific artwork at the SGA Art Scare. The master list is up at that link. I had to sit that one out because of other obligations, but I plan to go over and look my fill and leave lots of comments.

What else... I wrote a bit of Brendan & Vincent, Days Like These, and I hope to be able to finish up their Christmas story I began last year. There isn't a lot left to write, it's just getting my head in that space and finding the quiet time to get it done.

Speaking of getting it done, I'm also writing for the sheppard_hc Holiday fic exchange this year (my first). I've made a start on my story and have an outline of how I want things to go. After a bit of initial panic, I feel pretty good about the story as a whole.

And... if you haven't already, be sure to check out ancientctybingo! Sign-ups will continue through November 15th and fills can be made with fic, art, vids, recs, and podfic and can be any genre het, slash, gen. It's sort of a back to basics challenge where the City of Atlantis is featured in response to some pretty awesome prompts. You also have an entire year to create your bingo. So if you've been sitting on the fence... go on over and request your card.

Lastly, I have finally finished a McShep story that's been hanging around forever... look for that to be posted shortly. And now I have nothing in front of me with a deadline except the Sheppard_H/C fic. Perhaps this year, I won't wear myself down and end up sick by the end of the year... Hey, I can hope, can't I??

::hugs Flist::

random, recs

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