The Flan on Fringe!

Sep 24, 2011 02:14

Short, but definitely sweeeet... bare legs and boxers!!! I'm new to Fringe, but my interest is piqued so I see a full-court catch up in my future. Joe's blink and miss it part seemed integral to the story-line and had shades of Brendan Dean, Conversion, and Change of Plans (even though I've not actually seen the latter). Still, how good was it to see the Flan on TV again??

Very spoilery picspam behind the cut for your viewing pleasure -

Bare feet!

Joe kissing is always a treat...


the Bracelet!!

Also, tonight (Saturday), Hewlett's "Morlocks" premieres on SyFy. There's a very cool blastr interview with David Hewlett and Robert Picardo HERE, which includes a preview. The interview is hilarious - they need to get Joe, David, and Picardo together onstage at a con. What fun!

Now... after Fringe and Supernatural and the picspam, I'm going to drag myself to bed and hope I can sleep.

picspam, joe flanigan

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