Title: A Kiss Within My Cup
Author: neevebrody
Category: Genslash? (see warnings)
Prompt: written for #4 Orange at
sga_saturdayPairing/Characters: OFCs, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: A take on AMTDI, drugged, non-con could be argued, Alien sex, established relationship between John and Rodney implied
Words: 6,000
Disclaimer: The only things that belong to me are the OFCs and the adaptation, not making a dime from this.
Summary: Why it was that he couldn't remember anything before Ylla, and how he'd come to be on Ocre. Because he hadn't always been there. He was sure of that. Well, as sure as he could be about anything.
AN: This story is a very loose adaptation of the story "Ylla" from Ray Bradbury's Martian Chronicles. Bradbury was the author responsible for my life-long interest in science fiction and the short story and I try to give back a little of that influence here. The title refers to a line from the song "Drink to me Only with Thine Eyes," which is featured in Bradbury's story: …leave a kiss within the cup, and I'll not ask for wine… Beta by my hero,
mischief5. I fiddle, so all mistakes = mine.
Old school sci-fi meets SGA...A Kiss Within My Cup