Stuff and a Poll!

May 20, 2011 13:28

Okay, it's time for one of those "yes, I am alive" posts. Yes. I am alive. However, I've been fending off a killer sinus infection for about 4 weeks now. I've gone the antibiotic/narcotic route twice and, honestly, coming out of that funk is bad enough… so I'm just winging it right now and trying to get rest, blah, blah.

Being sick is no excuse for rudeness, though. I am very late with these thank you's, but they are no less from the heart. Thanks to gaffsie and lavvyan for the jellybeans v-gifts and to melagan for the tinfoil hat - something I wear with a great deal of pride. ;)

And a fic to rec!! Providence of Stars by melagan is a McShep "must read" - seriously. This is a story that's flawlessly executed and paced - a real story you can sink your teeth into and be swept away by. In my opinion, nobody writes McShep the way she does, and I guarantee this story will leave you wanting more. If you haven't read it yet, do it. If you have, read it again… and again!!

I want to also pimp the return of casa_mcshep! It's a Free-for-All this time, so join in the writing and the reading and the squeezing, because there's still nothing like our boys.

I've had to admit to myself that the way I've been feeling lately may be more than just fighting off a cold. I seem to be in a constant state of ambivalence toward a good many areas of my life, but let's just take LJ for now. I'm wondering if I should sign up for McShep Match this year. As you know, I've sworn off challenges and deadlines, so I really shouldn't give it a second thought, right?. I was disappointed in my story last year and I've been disappointed in my last few attempts at challenges - disappointed in myself. I can't even work up the desire for the new art challenges.

At first, I just thought it was a severe fandom disconnect. Only I keep having the same feelings, so it's either that or something darker at work. I have, though, finally made peace with myself as a fandom writer. More to the point, I'd say I'm a fandom niche writer - for a very small niche, and one that seems to be getting smaller by the day.

I have also come to accept that I tend to gravitate toward fic and fiction that is very emotionally bare and raw and that's just not everyone's happy place. Not where they choose to go for a little light reading. Maybe it's because I've never really chosen "light" reading myself, but at least coming to terms with the type of writer I seem to be (or seem to want to be) has been a breakthrough against the dam standing between the words in my head and the blank page/computer screen. I'm writing more. Again. Ideas are coming in like random radio signals and I'm just trying to get it all down so I don't forget it. Just wish the desire would catch up now, you know.

The one thing in fandom that seems to make me at all happy is my love of Hewligan. I'm totally hooked and really looking forward to seeing Joe and David in more roles. I think no matter the character, these two actors have a chemistry that shines through even with they don't appear on the screen together! I've been toying with the idea of creating a Hewligan community for fic or screencaps, or either or both. To that end, please have a poll:

Poll Why, yes, Emmett is the little black dress of Hewligan

thank yous, writing, pimping, recs, pointless rambling, poll

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