A few delicious offerings have already been posted, including art! Clicking on the banner above takes you to the posting entry where you can also take a look at our very simple rules. Remember, the Blowtober celebration is multi-fandom and both fic and art are welcome (yea, encouraged). You may post at your own journal if you like and share your link with us.
Not a writer or an artist? Curious about what we get up to every Friday? Go
HERE to check out past BJF themes - an alphabetized list of lip-smacking oral delights.
As for me, I'll be away all weekend with my Nook instead of my laptop. But you won't miss me... you'll be too busy reading and ogling hot, NSFW art, won't you? Perhaps you'll even be inspired and write your first comment!porn (one can only hope).
Have a wonderful Friday, lovelies. See you next Monday!