oh for cryin' out loud...

May 03, 2010 16:27

&@!^$, *#&@!%... add the expletives of your choice. Why is it that when you have a deadline and you know with every fiber of your being that you should be working on THAT fic, another idea will literally tackleglomp you out of nowhere and beg, no, DEMAND to be written? Why?

And so I've spent about 6 hours on the new idea, writing longhand, trying to keep up with my brain, but it's out now. It's rough; it's written on the back and front of 8 legal pad pages, but it's out of my head. It'll need massaging a bit, but for those of you who enjoyed The Last Word, I'll just say... there's more.

Now, I'll get back to my Hewligan story for smallfandom_bb. Oh yeah, so not finished yet. It's at 34,000 words and still growing. At least I've made my second editing pass and noted which scenes I need to write intros or closings for, so the end is, thankfully, in sight. Wish me luck with this last push, huh?

writing, smallfandom_bb

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