Mar 21, 2010 23:50
In the past two weeks, four of our guildies (out of a total of about 20 people) got hacked, including Milks. Weird part is, every one of them is a healer, but they don't have any add-ons in common except for DBM and recount. Which are supposed to be as safe as add-ons get. And we know for a fact that Milks has not engaged in any 'risky' behaviour (i.e. purchased gold illegally, visited websites which require your info to log in, download add-ons automatically, etc.).
Too weird. :(
They finally got his stuff back to him today, but we haven't been able to play together since Wednesday. They vended everything, including his bags, and used all his frost badges and honor for gems. It was so upsetting.
We've ordered authenticators a couple weeks ago after the first two peeps got hacked, so hopefully that will prevent it from ever happening again.