Two surprises this week: Syesha and David C. Syesha tore the place up. She looked hot, she sang her a$$ off, and pulled sexy off with a bang. Go, Syesha! David C. was out of his usual rock element, but still managed to bring the house down. I was totally impressed with both of them.
Brooke. *shakes head* Ah, Brooke, Brooke, Brooke... You might squeak through on the sympathy vote tonight, but frankly, I'm maxed out on the huge bunny eyes and tears routine. It's played out the way Ramiele's routine was quickly played out.
David A. See last week's comment.
Jason. How did I just KNOW you'd pick that song? Dude, you're gonna have to pull out some serious kick-a$$ if you wanna stick around. You kind of owe it to your sa-woony gal fans. And do me a favor? When you're not singing, just nod and smile, okay?
Carly. What can I say? Carly's my girl, and last night she totally ROCKED.