*iz ded*

Feb 03, 2005 22:46

Lost Summary under teh cut

Warning: Excessive use of WTF, faces (O_O, O_o) and the words "ev0l", "teh" and "like".
I apologise for the Dom fangirling. Heh.

First of all Jack wakes up and is like O_o
We wonder WTF is going on. Why is a man lying in a bamboo forest. Then we remember the ads.
A dawg walks past him and Jack is like WTF? He gets up and starts running. We get dizzy cos the camera work is insane.
Comes out on a beach. We think about how hot it was today and how we want to go the beach. Then we hear noise and wonder WTF is going on.

Then we see teh plane crash!! We are all like O_O
Lots of screaming ensues.
Jack turns into teh hero and saves all teh people. We are happy that Jack did but still annoyed because we haven't seen Dom yet.
Jack proceeds to run away into the jungle. Mysterious girl (who we later find out is Kate) wanders in to where Jack is shirtless. She looks happy about that. We note that Jack/Matthew Fox has a very hairy chest.
Kate proceeds to sew Jack's wound up. He tells a disgusting story and describes nerves falling out "like angel-hair pasta". We regret having eaten pasta for dinner.

We see Dom writing on his fingers. We are teh happy.
Bitchy girl (aka Shannon) says she doesn't want to eat the damn chocolate. We are annoyed because we would of eaten it.
Many shots of many people. We are like O_O because we have no idea who they are.

Ev0l tree crushing monster proceeds to crush trees. We are all saying "WTF that must one a bigass monster" since it is crushing trees about 20m apart.

We see Jack sitting on teh plane. We are confused until we realise that it is a flashback. The flight attendant gives him more alcohol. We think his drink looks nice. We want it.

We see a woman sitting next to Jack. We are all like OMG O_O because we remember she was the one Jack saved before. We are happy we noticed that.
Teh plane starts to get a-bumpity bumpity. Jack says this is normal. We laugh and point at Jack because we know that the plane is going to crash and Jack was wrooooooong!
Teh plane starts to go crazy.

Jack tells Kate that she needs better shoes. She gets some off a dead guy. We are all disturbed by this.
We see an old bald man sitting there. He smiles, he has an orange in his mouth. We all ROFL. Kate does not. We thinks Kate sucks.

We see a group of people sitting around. Dom is one of them. We are happy again. They try to spell but fail. Dom decides to join Jack and Kate on their walk. We know that Jack is secretly disappointed because he wanted to be alone with Kate so he could sex her up, but we are happy because we love Dom.

Jack, Kate and Dom are walking. Dom proceeds to sing very badly. We are amused.
We see that dog from the start again. We wonder if it is the ev0l tree crushing monster. We realise that's insane. We laugh at ourselves.

It starts to rain like a bitch. We enjoy seeing Kate, Jack and Dom wet. We are happy.

*insert ev0l tree crushing monster here*

Jack, Kate and Dom find the front of the plane. We are like O_O because it is almost vertical. They all proceed to climb inside up to the cockpit. There are bodies everywhere. We are both disgusted and disturbed. Jack and Kate climb into the cockpit. They are searching around then the pilot moves and we get scared because we thought he was dead. But he's not. But we thought he was. But he's not.
He tells Jack and Kate how they are doomed. Jack and Kate are like "Dammit".
Jack asks where Dom is. We wonder for a second if Dom is the ev0l tree crushing monster. Then we realise he's not, because he's Dom.
Dom bursts out of the bathroom. Kate asks what's up. Dom looks guilty, but hot. The fangirls rejoice.
We hear scary noises. We realise it is the ev0l tree crushing monster and we wonder if it is no longer satisfied with just crushing trees. Scary music ensues.
Pilot gets ripped out of the plane and we scream.

Jack, Kate and Dom all are scared shitless and proceed to run their little acting hearts out. Dom gets caught on a root. We vow to chop up that root if we ever see it.
Jack runs back to save him, but Kate just keeps running. We suspect that we don't like Kate.

Kate is hiding in some weird tree. She screams Jack's name. We are telling to her scream Dom's name too. Our suspicions are confirmed.

We see Dom. We are happy. Kate is not. She proceeds to jump Dom and ask him where Jack is. Kate goes off to find Jack. Dom follows after doing a cute little "I don't want to go but I guess I will" move.

We see a badge in a puddle. Kate picks it up. We are all thinking WTF until Jack turns up and says it's the pilot's. Kate looks happy. We are just :/
We see the pilot's body up in a tree all mangled and bloody.
We realise that the ev0l tree crushing monster is in fact not sastisfied with just crushing trees.
We think: "Oh crap".

X posted to lost_australia, lost_aus and my journal.


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