i'm doing yet another one of these things...and you think..."stop it god damnit!"..muahahahahahaha..

Nov 24, 2004 19:31

caroline is watching tube. eliz doesn't get off 'til nine. i bored. aunt sandy just called...wonder what she wanted...
anyway-on w/teh nonsense! (stephen, caroline, and strongbad are wearing off on me:P)
What is your full name?: denise elziabeth rodgers
How tall are you?: 5'3
What grade are you in?: supposed to be a "feshmeat" in college. i've been delayed...bee-otch..don't hate.
What color is your hair?:BLACK LIKE DE NIGHT...muahaha..
How long is it?:look at teh icon. tis short hair.
Is it straight or curly?: curly..very curly..in my icon- i didn't fix it..hat and all..it doesn't look curly...
What color are your eyes?: brown like crap.:)
Do you wear glasses?: sometimes...to drive.
What color is your skin?:..kind of olive looking..tan purdi well.
Do you have freckles?: nope...
How long are your nails?: short
Do you bite them?: nope
Do you wear makeup?: a little bit
Do you find yourself attractive?: i'm aight i guess

--Your Home Life--

What City do you live in?: the big Lake City...bee-otch.
Do you live in a subdivision?: no
What color is your house?: blue..it's pretty cool
How many people live in your house?: 3 now...
Do you live with both parents?: no
What does your mom do?: i'm not talking abt any moms. bad subject.
What does your dad do?: med. tech at mcleod.
Have any siblings?: yead dude.
If so, how old are they and what are their names?: james-19, caroline-20, phillip-8
Do they work?:james does...caroline and i are po right now....and phillip might try to hussle ppl..there's really no telling w/him.:)
How many bedrooms does your house have?: 4
Bathrooms?: 3
How many T.V.s are in your house?: 3
Do you have any game consoles?: yah, their really my bros...but who cares..what's mine is his..what's his is mine...
What color is your room?: lavender...pictures...posters...the goods...u know...kewl stuff...;)
Do you like it?: yeah
Why or why not?: it's me.
Do you have a T.V. or computer in your room?: Tv.
What color is your floor?: green
Do you have a big backyard?: hell yeah...
How old is your house?: 13 yrs. old.
Do you like being in your house?: NO. boredom haunts me there.
Do you like your family?: of course. i love them.
Are you close to your family?:most of them..yes.
Does anybody in your house suffer from an illness?: no not really..
Have any pets?: yes
What are their names and what are they: gallahad-ragdoll cat. he's my babe..except for the feet attacking thing..he's gotta stop that shit. lexi-german shepard. tobie-terrier...fireball-orange tabby cat...mini-calico cat...mini and f-ball are the outside cats...dogs are outside too...gallahad is the only inside animal...um, horse-dan aka-big red. chickens...yes, i live in the country.:)

--School life--

What is your favorite class?: i have no moe class...hell yeah buddy....but i liked my eng.101 in 12th...and accounting was pretty good...and chem. b/c i could cut a lot...hmm...
Least favorite?: ha..i hate any sort of math
Who is your favorite teacher?: My fav. teacher was probably ms. andren
Least favorite? mrs. carter...looney bitch...
What time is your lunch?: um, no school. whenever i feel like eating..
Where do you eat lunch?: diff. days..diff. places
What kind of grades do you get?: did get Az and Bz
Are you on the National Honors Committee?: no..i don't believe i was...b/c i don't know why..hmmm...they cheated me!..or maybe i made a C or two...
What time does school start?: it was way to early...yo...
How do you get to school?: i drove the pimped out taurus...
What time does it end?: uhh..i got out after eng.101/102..so it was 2 something..
How do you get home?: me,myself,and i
What grade are you in?: i graduated 2004.yeah, i'm cool..NOT.har har..
Do you have a locker?: no, lchs is too poor.
Does shit fall on you when you open your locker?: it would if i had one. i'm accident prone.
How many periods do you have?: i had 6...b/c 101/102 HAD to be at the end of the day!
Do you like school?: i did...especially the end of sr. year...hahahaha...partying...plastered on graduation night...
Do you attend sporting events?: i attended a few football games...all of the soccer when my bro. and some of my friends played...
Do you have school spirit?: i had it....slowly, i lost it and decided to cut during all of the assemblyz and PREP..i mean PEP rallyz...

--Random Questions--

Do you drink pop?: mmmhmmm...soda cuz...SODA
Do you have white teeth?: i do believe i do...caroline says i brush the enamel off of them....maybe i brush TOO Much.
What shampoo do you use?: vo5 it's cheap.
Do you eat alot of food?: too much...food...bloatedness sux.
What was the longest you went without food?: idk. a day maybe.
Do you play sports?: not really..unless i'm goofing off or something..
If so, what are they?: nothing the game of nothing..tis a great game
Any other activities?: no sex in the champagne room...umm..what was the question again??...
Do you like anybody at the moment?: yes
Does anybody like you?: yes, i do believe he does.
Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?: Yep
Would you go out with an unattractive person?: yes


food: bbq...seafood(SHRIMP..crab...mmm)...cheeseburger...roast beef...dressing...OYSTER DRESSING..the list goes on
store: pacsun, spencers, hot topic, express,
car model:i don't know...w/e strikes my fancy when i have to buy a car. my car sux now...no more taurus..now i have the SUNDANCE..dun dun..fucking gay car..needs new tires..
city: chareston...miami...hmm..
state: FL..illinois is pretty cool too
country: US bitch...U.S.!
website: idk
disney movie: uh...sleeping beauty...lilo and stitch...
movie: shrek, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, girl next door, boondock saints...
sports team: clemson..gotta represent the fam.
animal: cats yo
clothing brand: tilt...paul frank....anything w/a good band on it....i don't really care that much abt brands...blahhhh..
drink: vodka..gin...yumm..i feel like drinking..
pop: there u go w/that pop again..SODA:pepsi
soap: um, any kind that smells nice
color: black, white, pink, blue, and grey
number: give me yours first...?..yeah, i'm a corny bastardo
quote: "come on try a little...nothing is forever..there's got to be something better than in the middle.."

--Have you ever...--

Climbed a mountain?: no..i've climbed the james island climbing wall though..
Sang on stage?: yes
Been on stage?: yes
Been in a play?: yes
If so, who were you?:too many things to name...i've been in various school plays, chruch plays, and ballets( Cinderella and The Nutcracker)...
Been to New York?: no..but TJ will take me if i can go!
Been to Hawaii?: no...want to...
Been to Washington D.C.: no..want to go...
Been to Kentucky?: yes...very lovely state.
Killed someone?: hell no...i'm not that crazy.
Been in love?: yes, i think..ummm...well..w/e..
Been heartbroken?: yes...
Broken a promise?: yes..
Told a secret?: yes...
Spread gossip?: probably..
Dressed in front of the opposite sex?: yes, actually i have...&...NO, i am not a ho...
Got really drunk?: yes, vurray fun...and sometimes dramatic...haha..
Done drugs?: yes, i'm horrible...muahahaha..
Hitchhiked?: no...not that i can remember...
Stole something?: yes..i told you i'm horrible...
Skinny dipped?: no..not YET.
Done a polar bear swim?: wtf?...hell nah..i like my nipples attached to my body..not frozen, blue, and laying on the beach.
Broken somebodies heart?: yes....i think i have. i'm a bitch. ugh..
Broken a bone?:no, but i came damn close. JAMIE!
Called 911?: yes, i did. very bad experience.
If so, why?: someone in my fam. tried to O.D. not cool.
Saved a life?: yes.
Almost died?: i guess you could consider wrecking...almost dying..
Been in the hospital?:no
Lost someone?: yes and it fucking sux.
been really scared?: yes.

--This or that--

Pepsi or coke: pezzi..fool..
Water or sports drink: water
Orange or black: black
PC or mac: PC
Kerry or Bush: Bush
Meat or veggies: MEAT
dog or cat: cat
run or walk: walk..i'm lazy
Football or basketball: football
bystander or athlete:bystander
summer or winter: urrh..that's tough..i like BOTH..hmm, fall is nice too. i hate april.
Night or day: night..dark is good..
life or death: wtf? LIFE...it gets bad, but it's not called "GOOD LIFE"..it's LIFE.
Ashton or Orlando: ASHTON...johnny depp is better.
white or black: either...
Policeman or firefighter: firefighter
nintendo or play station: playstation

--Your Opinion on--

Bush: do yo thang man..
Kerry: pigfucker.
Abortion: pertection is not a word. protection is something you can use and still get pregnant. abortion is not the best choice it usually leaves the woman feeling depressed and sometimes crazy. it's very traumatizing. only, i'm not passing judgement. everyone's situation is diff. when it comes to.."should i have this child or not..?"
Sex: well, i've had it...and i should have waited until marriage. sex is a lot more powerful than most ppl think it is...you can easily become wrapped around someone b/c of sex. giving that part of yourself to someone means you're giving them a way to manipulate you if they WANT to. trust goes hand in hand w/all of that malarky...
Gay marriages: well, whatever floats their bo-at.
racism: it's crap....skin is skin...
Nadar: LOL....not comment..
porn: does not turn me on..it's rather gross...or just plain funny....
religion: Christian-episcopalian-go mr. cooper...woot woot!yeah, i like my church. i need to go back...but anyway-religion is a very important and open minded subject in my book. faith is awesome. enough said.
religion in schools: it's actually part of history...it should be taught...it's just like anything else...you can take it in...and believe if you CHOOSE to...
Pollution: is gay, but this world is not supposed to be perfect.
war: sux, but there will be no world peace...so deal w/it...
economy: no comment.
Hilary Duff: fake bitch...oops,did i say that? bad denise...*slapmyhand*
Micheal Jackson: he needs to stay away from those kids..lol..nah..j/k...seriously-i don't know what to think abt him..if he's really just trying to help kids w/his theme park and all..i feel sorry for him...BUT..if he's guilty..well, you know..that's sick.
Martha Stewart:um, she should pay like the rest of america. bitch...

--Your Childhood--

Favorite childhood tv show?: um, my little ponyz...he-man and sheera!...ninja turtles...mr. rodgers'...sesame street...winnie the pooh...
favorite toys:barbies, ninja turtles, baby dolls, PLAY DOUGH!
did you sleep with stuffed animals?: yes
were you a fat kid? nah...i was little man.
How much did you weigh at birth?: 8lbs 6 oz...fat baby.
Were you a brat?: sometimes...
Did you experiance second hand smoke?: a little..yes..
Where did you live?: lake city...out in the boondocks..
Your friends were...:kimberly braveboy, michelle springs, anna poston...daina cox...mandy kirby...julie parrot...megan stucky..some other kids...and cousins...and siblings...
pets you had: a lot...too many to name..LUCKY-BUSTER!(dog) he was cool...and toe-doe...little tiny dog i had...very cute...i was like 4 when i had him though..oh, and chichi..she was cute...
ever set anything on fire when you were little?: i think so...
Did you ever stick a knife in the electrical outlet?: NO...
What did you want to be when you grew up?: a med tech. like daddy..hehe
Your favorite color was...: purple! lol
--The future--

Do you want kids?: no..yes..uh..i dunno
Do you want to get married?: no..yes..uh..i don't care right now
Do you want to go to college?: yes!
What do you want to be?: dunno yet..
Where you ou like to live?: don't know now...
What do you plan to do in the next ten years?: bein' sezzy supah dupah star!..hahaha..dunno really..i don't..
Own a house or an apartment?: dunnow
ill you move out of the parental unit's house?: yes!
Will you/ do you already vote?: i didn't but i'm old enough..shame on me..right?

--Right now--

How do you feel?: kinda crappy, but i'm abt to got out..yayz!
what are you wearing?: tilt monkey T..jeans..belt..beanie..rocking the reefs i still need to return to jen-nay!
Are you on a messenger?: no
ting/drinking anything?: no
What time is it?: 8:26 and all is aight.
What room are you in?: comp. room at g-parent's house.
who is home?: my g-parents..my sis..and me of course..
what do you hear?: caroline on phone w/eliz now...hehe.
are you iming anyone?: no...no..no aim right now..
Talking to anyone on the phone?: NO..caroline on the phone going..."you are sooo mean..."...lol...hmmm..i'm curious..
where will you be in 2 hours?: dough re mi...watching kareoke ppl...and drinking ..maybe...

--The last.--

thing you drank: tea
ng you ate: g-mommy cookings..
shower: this morning
bath: idk...
book you read: a wee bit of stephen king..
magazine you read: something in the living room...
person you talked to: mmm..caroline
person you IMed: urrhh..stephen..or jeff..
thing you bought: i dunno...
place you were other then here: living room...
Person you saw: caroline...she was just in here talking abt stuff...
word you wrote:stuff
name you called: caroline
went to the bathroom: 45 min. ago..bout to go now before i jet..yayz...i have something to do now!

Final thoughts

Did this survey kick ass or what?: no..boo on it..
Did you like this survey?: no..i like to say NO
How long did it take you to fill out?: too fucking long...
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