I just finished reading
thingswithwings' very nice John/Rodney genderswap fic,
always should be someone you really love. Gendersfuck is pretty much the only way I ever read het or lesbian sex scenes anymore, mostly because I'm not currently in any fandom where there's more than one female character I want to read fiction about
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You don't happen to have a link to that? Sounds interesting.
If the sex scene is done well, then I'm turned on by the fact that the partcipants are turned on and if not, well, it could be exactly what I personally like to do in bed and it won't work for me.
Oh, that, too, definitely - but I'm used to skipping badly-done sex scenes, or even just pointless ones. What still annoys me is this new tendency to get thrown out of even the best sex scene just because I can't suspend disbelief.
but if the writer convincingly has the characters panting for each other, they could like to eat grapes out of each other's belly buttons and it would turn me on.
That comment just clarified something for me - see, I'd have no problem whatsoever with something like people getting turned on over grapes in a sex scene. I can totally believe that people are turned on by the weirdest things, and if it's written well, I might get turned on by their reaction to something that usually doesn't work for me at all.
I only have a problem with the description of people's physical sensations, not with their mental reactions. I can happily read a scene where a character gets wildly turned on by having something done to her that I don't enjoy, because she really likes the idea of it; but if the physical sensation of it is described as completely different from the way the same thing feels to me, I can't suspend disbelief. Apparently I can accept the fact that people's brains are wired differently than mine, but I have a problem accepting the same thing about bodies.
Interesting. I've noticed in the sex I've had personally that the mental component is at least half of how good it is, so I'm willing to believe that if someone finds the grape-eating an incredible-turn on, that she's going to have the physical reactions that match.
But I'm totally talking out of my ass here, because I haven't read a het scene that really worked for me in ages. Partially it's because I don't find myself reading them very often and partially--I think I like less detailed descriptions in het scenes. If she's getting finger fucked and loving it, then I don't want the detail that will convince me that her partner is doing it badly, by my standards. I'd rather assume that it's being done in a way I would enjoy. And I get you on the "ow" thing if the scene is all "his cock banged against her cervix" because some women like that, I've been told, but I have to cross my legs and back-button hurriedly. So detail matters on this question as well.
Maybe "reactions" was the wrong word to use here; I can totally believe that it gets her wet, I just can't believe that she feels anything but, um... *imagines having grapes eaten out of belly button*... the slight tickling of lips and teeth on a sensitive part of the body. No actual physical jolt of pleasure, at least not directly from her belly, you know?
Things banging against cervix, OW - never happened to me during actual sex, but the sort of painful in OB/GYN situations where I can't believe that even a much more sexy situation would make the sensation bearable.
I really dislike some other things that are common in het scenes, but I'm sort of trying not to scare people off with too much TMI. *g*
So, yes, less detail is definitely better, in this case.
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