Peer pressure at work

Aug 24, 2006 21:40

thefourthvine said I had to! And experience dictates that it is a good idea to listen to her, even if she tells me to do completely wacky things, like read slash fic about Mario. From Super Mario Bros.. (Yeah, that's what I said, too. It was good, though! No, really! Hey, don't look at me like that!)

Anyway. Vid recs. (Yes, that's what this post is about. Didn't I say so?)

My current favorite is astolat's and melina123's Lord of the Rings vid "The Mountain", which you can find here.

The song is so completely appropriate it might as well have been written for this movie. (It's also beautiful, but hey, I'm the first one to admit that my taste in music is weird, random and occasionally awful, so I'll go with the objective judgement, here. A song about a mountain! For a movie that's all about people trying to reach a mountain!* So there.)

There's a great use of metaphors in this vid (or at least I think there is. When I rec vids, there's always this nagging worry that the vidder is reading this, shaking their head and thinking "What the hell is she talking about?); the mountain for Frodo's and Aragorn's struggles -- Frodo's "mountain" is the ring, and the whole quest to destroy it, and Aragorn's "mountain" is the broken and mended sword, and the whole fight for Gondor that it symbolizes. (I... think. Did that make sense?)

But the thing I really, really love about this vid? It makes LOTR look magical. I mean, you know that strange feeling that you sometimes get when you look at a really beautiful sunset, or the sky on a starry night, or hear a really amazing song for the first time, and it's so beautiful you don't even have words to describe it? Somehow, Astolat and Melina managed to make LOTR look like that to me. It only worked for the first two times I watched it, because that's not actually the kind of feeling that can last, but man, I'm impressed -- that's not something I usually get from movies at all.

(I'll admit that the song probably played a big role in that, too, because music does that to me quite a lot. But at least some of it were the visuals.)

You know what? Watch that damn vid. It's worth it, I promise. And then, if you're so inclined, leave feedback for the creators. And after that, if you still have some time and words left to spare, maybe come back here and tell me if any of what I said made any sense at all, okay?

*Okay, so this summary may not quite do justice to either Lord of the Rings or The Mountain. If you've ever been my beta, you know that summaries are... not so much one of my strengths. Move along, people.

In unrelated news, one of my toes is broken (and by "broken" I mean "not working right", although I'm not ruling out the other option at this time). This wouldn't be much of a problem, because it doesn't hurt all that much when I'm not walking, but... okay, if I were a sane and normal person, I'd say "It stops me from dancing around the room, which is annoying, because that's what I like to do when I'm thinking".*

Unfortunately, I'm not. Sane and normal, I mean, because dancing, I definitely am. I just can't help it! I can't think when I'm sitting still! Except, you know, I limp quite a lot right now. Also, my floor is currently full of crates, which I'll take to the flea market on Saturday. So I'm more like... hobbling around the room in crazy slalom lines.

I think my cat is laughing at me.

*Okay, okay. For a certain value of "sane and normal", anyway.

vids, recs

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