Imagine my surprise...

Aug 08, 2005 22:31

Shiny new icon! But that's actually not what this post is about.

I never got vidding. Not at all. The format just doesn’t work for me. Usually the different scenes seem disconnected to me, without any sort of coherence. (I’m not just talking about bad vids here, but any vids.) I always find myself wishing for the original text instead of music, so I can understand what the scenes are about. (Or, if I recognize them, I just plain miss the text.) The lyrics are not enough to fill in that gap for me. Sometimes they don’t even seem to be directly connected to the visuals. (As I understand it, the kind of “literal” vidding, where the action exactly follows the lyrics, is actually frowned upon in (some?) of the vidding communities.)
Still, I occasionally download some of them in the hopes that I’ll finally find one that works for me. And today, imagine my surprise, I did.
So, a thing you’ll probably never see again in this journal: Comments on a vid.
You can find it here: Only One, by Mamoru.
First of all, the song works perfectly for McKay/Sheppard. (I’m still refusing to give in to the cutesy McShep, even if it is shorter. Gah.) It’s fun, and kind of snarky, which is exactly what this pairing is all about for me. Also, the singer shares Rodney’s habit of talking too fast, or better, trying to cram as many words as possible into too little time. Not in a bad way, though - I still liked the song, and not only because it fits here. It definitely made me laugh.
The scenes were perfectly chosen to illustrate the affection between Rodney and John, and the lyrics provided enough of a narrative that it worked for me.
It was also nice to watch from a purely asthetical point of view - lots of cute and dorky scenes of the boys, and good visual quality. The only thing that bothered me were the Sci Fi logos in the corner, but the creator really can’t be blamed for that. (And there I thought Pro7 were obnoxious with their logos. SciFi don’t seem to remove theirs at all!)
I liked the way Mamoru ended it - circling back to the beginning, the ‘falling down’ part - only this time it’s John, not Rodney, which was a nice touch, because Rodney really isn’t the only klutz in this pairing.
So, even if you don’t like vids so much - go! Watch! Tell me what you thought!

sga, vids, recs, sga recs

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