My reactions to those two eps were kind of a mixed bag. If you're still in the unadulterated fannish glee phase with this show, maybe give this one a miss? (Uh, sorry if that's not quite what you wanted, enemyofperfect? If you were hoping more for a "things I like about Almost Human" sort of post, I can make one of those, too - there's quite a few of those, after all!)
Almost Human 1x03:
I don't have super much to say about this one. I really loved Paige, how scared and how brave she was, and how far she was willing to go to protect her sister. I liked John fixing Dorian, although I would have enjoyed the scene even more if John had looked a little more scared when Dorian passed out on him. You're poking around the guy's brain, aren't you a little worried about doing actual damage?
I continue to really enjoy John and Dorian's banter. You put your finger in my coffee! >:(
Other than that, that was a really standard Die Hard plot, done reasonably well, which there's nothing wrong with, but I've definitely seen it done better before.
Rudy! I like him, I like that he didn't actually fuck up too badly, I really like what a deeply passionate fucking weirdo he is about androids.
This ep had a lot of slapstick moments that didn't really work for me in the context of this series. This isn't actually a slapstick sort of show, come on. You can have John flying head-first through a window western-style, or you can have Dorian casually snap a guy's neck, but trying to have it all just ends up with a really weird mix of tones.
I was REALLY NOT OKAY with John point-blank shooting the Bishop in the face. That wasn't self-defense, that wasn't reacting to a threat, that was a goddamn execution. Oh, and they tortured a suspect again, too. If I break up with this show, it's going to be over the police brutality.
People being casually cruel to Dorian: STILL my favorite. Oh man, John's "What, we're friends now?" line, and Dorian's hurt little face. <3
Overall, I wasn't super impressed with either of those two eps, but I'm totally still on board for the John and Dorian show.