Chicago Stargate Convention 2011: Impressions

Aug 29, 2011 10:12

Just some personal notes about autograph sessions, photo op experiences and other stuff.
If you were expecting recaps of panels then you are in the wrong place.
Skip to whomever's section you like and “enjoy” my incoherent ramblings. *ugh*
If you just want to look at pics, here are links to my photobucket albums:

I think I put the guests roughly in the order they appeared on the weekend.

Gary Jones
He was the first panel on Fri and got us all warmed up for this fantastic weekend. He really did a great job entertaining the crowd. His stories were hilarious!
He also made an appearance at the cabaret later that evening and was equally entertaining. I should probably write about some of the stories he told, so I won’t forget them, but it would take entirely too long!
Just as a reminder for me: He told the story about him being kicked out of college on his birthday and procrastinating to tell his mother who had baked a cake for him.

Gary was the first autograph of the weekend for me. I noticed he had a nice signature, so I said something like “Oh, we’re still getting the beautiful signatures.” Thinking that by the time he got to row xxx the signature would get uglier and he said “Beautiful signatures for the beautiful people.”

Alexis Cruz
Very, very impressed by this young man. His panel was so energetic, powerful and truly inspiring!
He talked a bit about the “Tough Mudder” event ( he participated in (and completed!) which I give him huge props for. “Tough Mudder” supports the Wounded Warrior Project which raises money to support the needs of severely injured service men and women. Since my hubby is military that hit home for me.
Then he talked a bit about gaming days (World of Warcraft) where he lead his own guild and acquired leadership skills that he now implements in the real world. It was strange, but also surprising to hear him talk about it. I used to be a pretty hardcore gamer myself and had some similar experiences.
Gaming can be good for something after all!

Alexis was there most of the weekend as well and you could run into him all over the hotel. Regret not getting a photo op, but hey, maybe he will be there next year.
Later on Fri he did an act for the cabaret and it was awesome! Definitely PG required, but we all enjoyed him as “Alejandro, the latin lover” where he came out in a tux with roses tucked away everywhere that he started throwing into the audience. 
His second bit: “Chico, the mind reading monkey” was hilarious! I was a bit skeptical when he brought the monkey puppet out, but he did a wonderful job and brought that little puppet to life!
He also attended the dessert party on Sat night and spent some time at our table.

Alex Zahara
Alex had been hanging out with us guests all weekend basically. Some of his stories during his two panels included how to go to the bathroom in an elaborate costume with the help of an intern. Let’s leave it at that. *grin*
He was also set up in the vendor room for autographs which is definitely less rushed and more personal than the autograph signings in the big ballroom.

Friday night he was our host for the Karaoke party. It was wiiiiild (hello 1:30am)! There was a little surprise for us as well: Paul McGillion, Gary Jones and Chris Judge popped out on stage and sang “500 Miles”! Unfortunately we weren’t allowed to take pics, so you probably won’t find many on the web. Although I’m sure a few people snuck one in.

Alex also let us all move up in front of the stage instead of sitting in our seats, so we were nice and close! You can imagine the crowd going bonkers! Alex was dancing with guests and singing songs on stage by himself or with guests for moral support. What a nice guy!
I didn’t get his autograph till Sat or Sun and since his table was not busy at that time he asked me to tell him a little bit about myself so he could personalize it better. Oh boy, shouldn’t we be asking the questions?
It was ok though, he is very easy to talk to and I was not nervous since we had talked a few times over the weekend. In fact he even almost ran me over once in the lobby. He immediately apologized, but hey, I’m short. I understand. I’m not really in tall people’s line of sight. *grin*

Ben Browder
Wow is all I have to say. I was looking forward to meeting him the most I think because I had not met him in person before. So Saturday morning started out with breakfast with Ben! I was hardly able to finish my bagel, but then again who needed sleep or food this weekend anyway.
When Ben entered the room I could already feel my heart pounding. Watching him going from table to table, getting closer and closer was unreal. The breakfast was actually starting to go over the allotted time and Ben addressed the room and said he’d understand if people had to leave because they needed to be elsewhere. He didn’t want to rush the last tables and give everyone the same amount of time to talk to him. Oh Ben!

I still thought I was dreaming, but then he just strolled over and sat down on the chair next to me. *gasp*

Don’t even remember how the conversation started, but we talked a bit about Naught for Hire of course and he said they are still looking for funding etc. What was said at the breakfast should probably stay in that room “Vegas rule” applies! So I will just write about what I personally talked to him about.
Somehow the military came up and of course I started talking about my hubby who’s in the military and yep totally whipped out a pic and showed it to Ben (who in their right  mind would do that, what was I thinking?) who was impressed by hubbies ribbons and said he was a good looking guy. I told him that my dear husband had his officer commission ceremony this weekend and Ben was puzzled I would miss it to be at the convention.
Oh Ben, of course I wouldn’t want to miss this!

He was wonderful, so warm and genuine. It was like talking to an old buddy. I thought I would not get a word out, but from what my table mates are telling me I was quite chatty! It was so sad when he had to get up and continue his rounds. He put his hand on my back briefly and walked to the next table.

Later that afternoon was his panel. He started out with just telling us a few things he thought people would ask anyway and then went to answering questions. One thing I will mention because it was just too cute is that he re-enacted the “bullets bounce” scene with Chris Judge from “Avalon” where they are stuck in the room and the ceiling is coming down. He had the audience in tears!
His panel was over way too fast and Ben felt the same way, too.  He said that he could go on for another hour!

The photo op was right after and of course I got my hug. Don’t remember much else unfortunately. My brain must have shut off again…

During autographs I told Ben I thought John Crichton’s death scene (Infinite Possibilities: Icarus Abides) was brilliant, so sad, but so good that to this day it still moves me to tears every time I watch it. I think he liked the compliment. :)

Kavan Smith
Kavan’s panel was great! We had to hurry from Ben’s breakfast to make it on time, but we did. I could tell it was going to be a good one because while his intro video was playing we heard him laugh behind the stage.
A totally cool dude and also very good looking I might add. *grin*

He told a lot of stories and I was thoroughly enjoying myself. Had to wince a little when he told the story about his motorcycle accident just outside of a town called Eureka of all things. OUCH!

Someone of course asked him about the grin as deputy Andy on Eureka and Kavan said it was something he did on his first day and the producers/director liked it, so it stayed and is now like a contest “Let’s see how long Kavan can keep this up without blinking.”
To which he said he’s actually pretty good at it, but sometimes his eye starts twitching lol.

His photo op was right after his panel. Creation didn’t give us much time in between events at all. All weekend long I was running places and had no time for food or sleep.  
At the photo op which was the first of the weekend for me (always awkward) I told him I was grinning like an idiot to which he replied that he’s doing the same.

Later that day when it was time for his autograph session in the vendor room he looked at my pic and said it came out nice and signed it with: “Susan, we’re hot!”

But the day with Kavan didn’t end there; he was also at the dessert party later that night and yep, sat down next to me. By now I should have been calm, but I did have to restrain myself from staring! Again, totally easy and cool to talk to. I like his sense of humor. He said that of his son was here we would totally weird him out, so I asked him if we don’t weird him out? He said “Juuust a little”.
One of my con friends ran into Kavan at the bar and the smoking area, so told Kavan: “So since I don’t drink or smoke I am SOL (Sadly Out of Luck) and can never hang out with you!” He just smiled and said I’d just have to start all the habits. Anyway, I’m rambling on to the next one!

Chris Judge
Chris’ panel was right after the photo op with Kavan and the first thought that comes to my mind is “Omg just stand still for a second, I can’t get a decent photo!”
He proudly told us that he is in the new Dark Knight movie, but also that he cannot talk about it. All he could tell us was that he is in it and that he is not playing Robin!

Funny quote from Chris: “Joe Flanigan is like Scotch: he's an acquired taste."

Autograph time!
Hmm don’t remember much other than 2 handshakes from Chris and a big smile.  I may already have been peaking over to Paul McGillions table. *blush*

Chris’ photo op:
Warren the photographer had a killer music selection playing including “Muse” one of my favorite bands and Chris Judge seemed to like it as well. You could tell he was having a great time. Chatty and dancing around which of course put all of us fans in a good mood, too, so I felt brave and asked for my first hug of the day and got it!

One fan had a staff weapon prop with him and made Chris do some cool poses. I saw them on the pick-up table later and they came out great!

Chris was also at the dessert party later, but this autograph session ran super long, so he didn’t sit down at any tables and only visited briefly. He did shake everyone’s hand and thanked us for coming out. He was standing behind me/next to me, so when he reached out to shake the hands of the people across the table from me I found myself enveloped in a whole lotta Chris Judge leaning over me LOL.

Paul McGillion
Following Chris Judge’s photo op was Paul’s Q&A panel. Loved it! That Scottish accent is so cute!
At one point a fan from the audience was at the mic who happened to be Scottish and Paul asked her to come up on stage for a “House call with Dr. Beckett”.
She still managed to get her question out. I’m not sure if I could have if I had been in her place.

Again photo ops were right after the panel which was nice, so our pics would be ready for signing autographs later. I asked him for a hug and told him it was my first time taking a pic with him.  He then he proceeded to shout into the room that it was my first time lol! *hide*
I also told him he had the bit from his panel where he was talking about a German audience at conventions totally right. I should know, I’m German after all.
He is the best hugger by the way, so sweet and genuine and held on till the last moment till the photographer checked the pic and gave the ok. *melt*

When I lined up for his autograph later I told him that I really like the Captain Starship trailer he showed us during his panel. He said he liked my style and to keep on going (not sure if that was the hair or ridiculous T-Shirt I was wearing or if he meant fan support).  I suggested he should come on Twitter, because it can be very powerful and we fans would promote his work like crazy! He listened to my suggestion, but I’m pretty sure he won’t do it. :(

Paul also attended the dessert party. Boy did we wear him out that afternoon. You could see he was exhausted. He didn’t sit down at any tables, but visited all briefly. He was standing in between me and my friend Jayne. I don’t even remember much what we talked about except for his hand on my back, a hand squeeze just before he left and a few words in that lovely Scottish accent!
He was especially fond of my friend Jayne, but I am sure she will tell you more about that. If I had been in her place I might have just fainted!

David Hewlett
David looked splendid as well, short haircut and very slim and lean.
After I pried myself away from Joe’s autograph table and went over to David I must have still been grinning like a fool.

Since the autographs were done before the photo op. I had to buy a pic from the vendor room and I chose the cute close up which I am sure David is not fond of. Who would be comfortable signing their own face?
So yup went up and apologized to him that I didn’t choose the manly pic with him in leather, but he said it’s ok “It’s my smirky face”? I forgot exactly how he worded it. Damn brain you. Oh wait it’s Joe’s fault. He made my brain melt!

My photo op with David was my first with him, had to skip him last year due to finances, but I got rewarded with a nice hug. Almost as nice as Paul’s, but I still think Paul is the better hugger!

Then he and Joe shared a block of about 90 minutes on stage. The plan was 30 min of David, 30 min of both of them together and then 30 min Joe by himself. That didn’t work out of course!

David was out by himself first, so got up to ask my question. Walked up to the mic and got a nasty metallic reverb sound, eeek! *panic* David just grinned and said it is going to be a heavy metal question.
So I went ahead and asked him since he wanted to be a time lord (Dr. Who reference) when he was younger what he would do if he could go back in time and change an event or meet anyone from history he wanted.
He promptly replied that he would be present for the birth of Joe Flanigan and prevent it or raise Joe as his own.
Which prompted Joe from backstage to throw candy over to the stage. The crowd went wild!!
And David went “Oh look, it’s raining chocolates!”

Joe was apparently bored backstage. Someone asked David "Who would you line up to get an autograph from?" and while David was thinking about his answer Joe (from backstage) answered: "Joe Flanigan!" Needless to say David finally succeeded in luring Joe out early and later when it came time for David to leave the stage, Joe wouldn’t let him. So David stayed till the end of the panel!

Joe Flanigan
Creation started Sunday with autographs from Joe, David Hewlett and David DeLuise for gold weekend and preferred weekend patrons, but what kind of scheduling was that?!
That meant we would have no photo op pictures to be signed later...
They were doing another round of autographs in the late afternoon for the rest of the convention goers, but I didn’t want to pay for additional autograph tickets. Also due to time constraints or w/e they were rushing a little and didn’t allow personalization of autographs (again) bleh!

But it was all good. Joe was still very chatty and I actually had a little conversation with him. I asked him when he got in, Sat night or Sun morning cause Paul McGillion and Chris Judge were looking for him after the dessert party and wanted to go out for drinks, but couldn’t find him!
He said he was glad he didn’t get that message. But seriously, this man makes my brain melt. I kept on babbling and totally forgot I had to move on to David’s autograph line!
In hindsight, by the time we were done talking he could have personalized my autograph 5 times over LOL.

Photo ops were done later in the afternoon and it is just amazing how chatty we all are and the closer we get to Joe it gets really quiet. Everyone is distracted by the “view” and we forget to step forward or hand over our tickets.
With that said, when it was my turn I bravely went up to him and started with an apology before I asked him for a hug because I know he doesn’t like people in his personal space too much.
You could see how uncomfortable he was in some of the pictures.  He definitely does better when asked for a silly pose than just a smile or hug. Gotta think of something original for next year!

The panel! I wrote a little bit about it in David’s section. It was just hilarious. David was not only entertaining us, but Joe as well. He kept cracking up at David’s stories.

I had the honor to ask two questions for the contest @Flaninfo held on Twitter, so I pretty much went right up to the mic after Joe came out, so I wouldn’t get cut off if there were too many people with questions.

I started out with something like “Remember this wonderful place called Twitter?” I didn’t want it to sound rude. I forget how I worded it. It was supposed to be a little starter to get him to talk about Twitter and maybe find out why he is not tweeting and in fact Twitter came up a lot during the panel. He knew immediately what we wanted from him. He just said he doesn’t tweet regularly, only when bored and alone on set (oh boy trust me Joe we know lol) and Rachel’s boring tweets came up again which caused David to chime in and mention one of her tweets from the previous day or so where she said she was going to have real riding lessons with her boys which David thought was wiiiide open for misinterpretation and the crowd had a good laugh of course.

Back to Joe:
He told the story again about people wanting to pay him $400 to $1000 dollars per tweet which he at first thought was great, but when he realized they wanted him to advertise their products he was turned off by that and of course he wouldn’t do that.

But that is unrelated to the questions, just popped into my head!

I explained where the questions came from, that @FlanInfo from Twitter held a contest to submit questions for all his fans that couldn’t be here today. I also told him that I would like to ask two questions if that is ok since he can’t attend Dragon Con* and we had one for each convention.

*(He’s shooting a movie called “Six Bullets” in Romania.)

When I started off with the first question: “If you could remake any movie and star as the lead, which movie would you choose?” (submitted by “@dajaje”)  Joe immediately said,” Boy that is a heavy question. Let’s talk about the 2nd question first.” (insert laugh from audience here)

So I told him not to worry that the second one was easier:  “Joe...has there ever been a time when you opened a script, and thought to yourself, "They want me to do WHAT?" (submitted by “@WhoDatDiva”) and he was very quick with his answer.
He said that he had that “They want me to do what?” moment quite a lot. One that came to mind for him was where they were asking for “total frontal nudity clause” for a regular TV show. Then David chimed in with something like: ”I'm only familiar with Santa Claus, that's different, right?"
And Joe responded in a deep “sexy” voice: "Well, if you're good, you get presents". He then laughed and David said “Why did you say that? Don't put that image in my head!”
Finally David turned to the audience and proclaimed: "Aaaand Flanigan just stole Christmas."

Joe went back to the first question (movie remake), but he was still kind of dancing around the answer and said something like all great movies he likes he would not want to touch (to remake) cause they are so good!
The movie Bladerunner came up and David immediately said “Here’s your chance Joe, they are remaking it!” and Joe jokingly replied that he had no message from Ridley Scott at all about this.

So these are my ramblings. It got way too long, I didn’t even take any notes at the convention, but the weekend was just super fun and I recommend that if you have any chance at all to go to one of these, go!

Forgot to write about David DeLuise and JR Bourne, but my brain is now mush and empty. Maybe I will add them later.

paul mcgillion, ben browder, david hewlett, stargate chicago, sgchi, chicago stargate convention 2011, chicon, alexis cruz, chris judge, jr bourne, david deluise, joe flanigan, alex zahara, kavan smith, gary jones, creation convention

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