May 06, 2012 19:43
So I was all fired up today, all, 'I'm agonna work on some Square Peg and get that bitch finished before I abandon the internet for two months! I can do it!' And open up my file, where I've got the next two chapters half written, and stare at it going 'Whaa?' because I have no clue what's happening. It saddens me that I have to now read my own story to get caught up with where I'm going with it. I'm not letting something go for that long again. Anyway, I'm off to do that now! Just thought I'd share the fact that there's actually almost progress. Like, the file's open and everything. Um.
So, after these two weeks of hell and performances for the play (that we had all of five weeks between performing and getting the script) are over, I'm going to start posting again, posting like a crazy person. Maybe even before that.
Hoping on finishing and even AO3ing it before June 15, when I'm wheels up for AK--I'm over halfway done, and I have a basic outline, so here's to all of you! And your epic patience! *toasts*
PS: 'The Proper Use of Punctuation and Grammar' NEEDS to be a MANDATORY 100-level course for ALL undergrads. I've been reading the papers of my fellow classmates--their COMPLETED papers worth a full 40 percent of their grade, mind you--and all of the ones I've looked at today make me cry. Cry on the inside, where my soul lives. (I'm totally not excluding myself from needing to take the course. I know I need it. Even better, I would WANT to take it--if it existed.)
verbal diarrhea,