Procrastination FTW

Mar 06, 2012 01:30

1:21 am:
So, yeah.  I'm still alive, but you know how it is.  There's a hard scene, or something's not working right, so you kinda just avoid the stupid fic and pretend it doesn't exist until there's something you don't want to do even MORE that makes you realize the thing that was giving you such grief is actually super easy to fix and needs to be done RIGHT NOW.  So, you know, I have yet to read/review classmate's story for class and read the reportedly superlong reading for the same class, but I've got like 10 hours to do these things in as well as half of the next chapter of Peg and a outliney plottish thing to introduce John to his feelings.  So, you know, progress.

1:43 am:
On an unrelated note:
My roommates are MADE OF CRAZY.  Thermostat always turned down to like, 50 during normal-person awake hours, and turned up to freaking 85 between 1am and 4am.  So I always wake up thinking I'm ON FIRE during those times and have to open my window all the way to cool off the room before I can get back to sleep, and invariably wake up FREEZING TO DEATH at 6am because my room is now literally below freezing and I've kicked off all my blankets during the heat wave.  I would bitch about this in real life, but that would require actual contact, and as I've managed this far without actual human interaction with them (I sometimes pretend they're a figment of my imagination and don't really exist, it's awfully nice, though it only works when they're being quiet and not making dinner vv loudly and bangily in the middle of the night) I kinda want to see if I can make it the whole 12 months without interaction.  It started off being coincidence and severely differing schedules, but it's kind of a personal goal, now.

2:12 am:
Back to the related note:
I have a deepening suspicion, the further I read, that this story of my classmate's is actually This Means War fanfic.  I don't know if that's because it actually is, or because fandom has actually finally taken over my brain.  More on this when I finish the fic.

2:37 am:
More on this later:
Ok, yeah, it's not This Means War fic.  It IS, however, either Burn Notice fic or COMPLETELY DERIVATIVE of Burn Notice, even down to the description of the apartment the mostly unnamed protag lives in (who has a MAIN CHARACTER'S name).  Not gonna call author on it because it made me LOL, but.  Yeah.  I think it was unintentional (and if it was on purpose still not gonna say a thing, because while it's a fic writing class I'm betting the Prof would RAWER at fanfic).  Unless the cliches of Boys In Fandom and Jocks In Fandom are true.  I almost don't know which to hope for.  It'd be hilarious, though.

3:06 am:
I just realized in my letter to the author I accuse it of being The Sims-esque, with all the directional commentary in the writing, and actually wrote "congrats to him not dying in an inexplicable stovetop fire while retrieving his yogurt".  In my defense, it's 3am.  Sadly, I emailed it before proofreading (or sanereading) it.  Hopefully Author has similar sense of humor.

verbal diarrhea, school

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