Title: Square Peg, or, Peg^2 (Pegasus Squared) [A sequel to
Full Circle, set in the
Epic Crossover ‘Verse]
Chapter: 5 of ?
Author: neensz
Word Count: ~2,200 words (this part)
Pairing(s): Eliot/Shawn, McShep preslash
Rating: R
General Warnings: gruesome imagery, graphic language, violence, kid!fic, whump, un-beta’d
Beta: If you feel the urge, let me know
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I didn't give it a second thought while writing it, but now I'm totally picturing a generic chibi-cartoony-pet-like-thing from FarmVille or some other madly-addictive mindless game (that actually isn't Rodney for some reason, in my head it looks more like Melvin from HHGttG with clothes and a hat, which is just awesome) trailing after John everywhere he goes (though to be honest, it seems like Rodney'd be the one to have a 'Pet Scientist' instead of John)...
And now I totally want one too!
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