Title: Square Peg, or, Peg^2 (Pegasus Squared) [A sequel to
Full Circle, set in the
Epic Crossover ‘Verse]
Chapter: 2 of ?
Author: neensz
Word Count: ~1,200 words (this part)
Pairing(s): Eliot/Shawn, McShep (preslash)
Rating: PG-13
General Warnings: graphic language, violence, un-beta’d
Beta: If you feel the urge, let me know
Disclaimer: Psych and Leverage and SG:A do not belong to me, nor do any of the characters or places or quotes I'm borrowing for my nefarious slashing purposes. I make no profit from the aforesaid borrowing, or only in the currency of squeeing fangirly joy.
A/N: Ok, so, technically it's Wednesday, but I haven't slept yet, and have spent the past 10 hours doing physics homework (which actually makes me mildly wroth with myself as I should be uniquely suited (as opposed to normally, I guess) to channeling Rodney right now, but he didn't show up once in those 1200 words) so for me, at least, it's still Tuesday. Hell, it's still sunny outside (as opposed to starry), as long as I don't look out the window.
One | Two
Summary: In which Relatively Boring Grown-Up Things are Discussed Awkwardly and O'Neill Wishes for a Full Set of Collectibles.
“No way in hell am I leaving my son behind in the Milky Way after the Trust threatened him, Jack,” John glared at his superior officer and contemplated knocking him upside the head with the very beer bottle Jack was nursing. “I’ll fucking resign before-”
“I get that, John, I do,” O’Neill interrupted him, no trace of humor in his voice for once. “I-” his voice caught and the expression that flashed across his face for a split second before being controlled reminded John about as subtly as a boot to the skull that O’Neill knew exactly how hard losing a son could be. “And I’m not saying you should.” That wasn’t, actually, the impression John had of what O’Neill had been saying at all, but he wasn’t going to question the change of tune, not when he felt like such a shit for reminding O’Neill of Charlie.
“Just… Give me a few months before you pull out the big guns. I’m not gonna take Atlantis away from you, but if the IOA manages to get the notion that the only way they’ll get your ass back in Atlantis’s chair is if Jesse goes with you, well, I don’t think I’ll disabuse them of that notion.” Jack took a long pull of his beer, seemingly searching for words. When he put the half-full bottle down on the deck and leaned forward on the wooden chair, clasping his hands and not quite meeting John’s eyes, John stilled. That was Jack for now here’s the bad news. “You need to be careful,” Jack said quietly. “If certain people think they can control you through Jesse, certain people might try to get you declared unfit for parenting and take him away.”
John surged to his feet, about ready to--he didn’t know quite what, actually, but it was damn well going to be violent and loud--but Jack yanked him back into his chair with a sharp ‘shut up and listen’ gesture of his hand. “I actually think the both of you would be safer in Pegasus. Fuck, who woulda thought the space vampires would be friendlier-or at least, more fucking human-than our own bureaucrats?” Jack asked rhetorically. “So, I figure the best plan is to have Atlantis ship out a little early. Jesse’s beneath the notice of pretty much everyone now, seeing as how he’s too young still to be useful yet,” and Jack imbued that word with all the disgust he was capable of, which was apparently quite a lot, “but if Atlantis has a stowaway it’ll be too costly to recall her for one little kid, and with any luck they’ll forget about him entirely if you’re out there long enough. It’s not like he’ll miss out on the public school system,” he added with a wry glance over at the barn, where Jesse and McKay were industriously working on building something in the cleared area on the near side of the barn--a something that was beginning to look suspiciously like a miniature puddlejumper as it took shape.
John huffed out a breath. That was true enough. Jesse could already read, and now that he was talking in complete sentences and could grasp abstract concepts, McKay had deemed him worthy of attention. And now John was just as likely to catch Jesse watching NOVA or How It’s Made as Dora the Explorer. Never mind the reading list John had caught McKay giving him. Seriously, Euclid’s Elements? John hadn’t read that doorstop till he was working on his Master’s.
If his kid passed him up in mathematics before even hitting puberty, John was gonna need some alone time with a bottle Johnny’s best to get used to the idea. Not that he wanted Jesse to be dumb, but he’d thought he’d have a little more time till his kid no longer thought his dad was the smartest guy in the universe.
Jack continued after a brief pause, “frankly, I’d rather do that then try and blackmail the whole IOA into letting you take him--with no paperwork, they’ll have no clue where he is and will waste at least a few months looking for him here on Earth once they realize he’s useful to them.”
John smirked at his commanding officer. “Yeah, and I’m sure the ‘no paperwork’ part of that plan had nothing to do with it being your favorite.” O’Neill was on board-hell, he’d brought it up-therefore, Jesse was going. No buts about it. John could afford to joke, even though his skin was still tingling from the rush of adrenalin that had surged through him at the implied, if not yet realized, threat to Jesse only a couple of minutes ago.
O’Neill relaxed back in his chair and smirked back at John, holding up a hand that pinched an infinitely small something between forefinger and thumb. “Maybe just a little.” A shout from over by the loader caught both soldiers’ attention briefly before they automatically classified it as ‘not a threat,’ but when O’Neill turned back to face John, he had a look in his eye that John recognized, having had it himself a few times.
It was the same look he knew he’d had when he’d had to beg Weir to get Teyla on his team-he shoved that memory away forcefully. Even though she’d been dead almost a decade now, Elizabeth Weir had been a good friend before the end, and he hadn’t had enough of those in his life for her death to not still hurt like it had that first day. He pushed away the grief; he’d had enough damned practice, what with all the people he’d lost in his life-and pulled himself back to the matter at hand. “Did the cool kid tell you he didn’t want to come out and play, Jack?” he mocked his CO with a grin.
“If I get a Ranger I’ll have the full set,” O’Neill grumbled under his breath.
John raised an eyebrow in feigned surprise. “I thought you didn’t have a SEAL yet, either.”
“SecNav recommended one, it’s all done but the paperwork, and Teal’c will have a new toy to break next time he needs a break from Chulak’s political tangle,” O’Neill grinned gleefully for a moment, as happy as a kid in a bookstore and no spending limit-well, as happy as John’s kid in a bookstore with no spending limit, anyway.
John shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you, sir,” he waved off O’Neill’s glare at the formality, “except, he’s never gonna leave the planet-not when Shawn’s on it, anyway.”
It was just a throwaway comment. Harmless. Except, judging from the sudden glint in O’Neill’s eye, not so harmless after all. “He’s some sort of psychic, right?” O’Neill asked thoughtfully-and apparently rhetorically, since he set down his beer and hopped out of his chair to stride purposefully off towards the loader without waiting for an answer. A little alarmed, and a lot not wanting to miss the show that was sure to come, John quickly followed.
Three -->